save data in for loops

yunwei hu
yunwei hu on 10 Feb 2020
Edited: Ajay Kumar on 11 Feb 2020
Hi everyone,
I am trying to save my data into a matrix, each time two columns as X and Y.
but the codes don't work.
Can anyone explain and help?
Thanks a lot.
coordinate= zeros();
Z=[X Y];
X = snakes{1,a}.x;
Y = snakes{1,a}.y;
coordinate((a),:)= Z;
yunwei hu
yunwei hu on 10 Feb 2020
i uploaded the snakes.
x and y are all inside of it.

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Accepted Answer

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar on 11 Feb 2020
Edited:Ajay Kumar on 11 Feb 2020
Yes, You are trying to assign 2 matrices of different size. Try this:
coordinate= zeros(41,1);
X = snakes{1,a}.x;
Y = snakes{1,a}.y;
% Z=[X Y];
ifa == 1
coordinate(:,end)= X;
coordinate(:,end+1) = Y;
coordinate(:,end+1)= X;
coordinate(:,end+1) = Y;
coordinate size will be 41x42. For each a, we have 41x2 which means for 21 a's it will be 41x42.

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