7 Reasons MATLAB Is the Easiest and Most Productive Environment for Engineers and Scientists

1. MATLAB Speaks Math

Engineers and scientists need a programming language that lets them express matrix and array mathematics directly. Linear algebra in MATLAB is intuitive and concise. The same is true for data analytics, signal and image processing, control design, and other applications.

This is why more than 1,500 textbooks teach using MATLAB.

2. MATLAB Is Designed for Engineers and Scientists

Everything about MATLAB is designed specifically for engineers and scientists:

  • Function names and signatures are familiar and memorable.
  • The desktop environment is tuned for iterative engineering and scientific workflows.
  • Documentation is written for engineers and scientists, not computer scientists.

3. MATLAB Toolboxes Just Work

MATLAB toolboxes offer professionally developed, rigorously tested, field-hardened, and fully documented functionality for a wide range of scientific and engineering applications. Toolboxes are designed to work together, and they integrate with parallel computing environments, GPUs, and C code generation.

Developing algorithms in MATLAB is 10 times faster and more robust than developing in Java. We need to filter our data, look at poles and zeroes, run nonlinear optimizations, and perform numerous other tasks. In MATLAB, those capabilities are all integrated, robust, and commercially validated.

Borislav Savkovic, lead data scientist, BuildingIQ
Get an overview of MATLAB apps, including how to find, create, and share apps.

4. MATLAB Has Apps

MATLAB apps are interactive applications that combine direct access to large collections of algorithms with immediate visual feedback. You can instantly see how different algorithms work with your data. Iterate until you’ve got the results you want, then automatically generate a MATLAB program to reproduce or automate your work.


Major engineering and scientific challenges require broad coordination across teams to take ideas to implementation. Every handoff along the way adds errors and delays. MATLAB helps automate the entire path from research to production.


Use MATLAB with over 1,000 common hardware devices.


Integrate MATLAB into your production analytics applications.


Run algorithms faster and with big data by scaling up to clusters, the cloud, and GPUs.


Plug into Simulink and Stateflow for simulation and Model-Based Design.


Convert MATLAB code to embeddable C and HDL code.

6. MATLAB Is Fast

MATLAB does the hard work of making your code fast. Math operations are distributed across your computer’s cores, library calls are heavily optimized, and all code is just-in-time compiled.

You can run your algorithms in parallel by simply changing for-loops into parallel for-loops or by changing standard arrays into GPU arrays. Run parallel algorithms in an infinitely scalable cloud with no code changes.

7. MATLAB Is Trusted

工程师和科学家相信MATLAB发送spacecraft to Pluto, match transplant patients with organ donors, or just compile a report for management. This trust is built on impeccable numerics stemming from the strong roots of MATLAB in the numerical analysis research community. A team of MathWorks engineers continuously verifies quality by running millions of tests on the MATLAB code base every day.