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R2011b Is Here!

It’s (almost) fall, and that means a brand-new release of MATLAB. Here are a few awesome new Desktop features in this release:

Improved Command Window Formatting
CW error formatting The Command Window has gotten some improved formatting. Error messages have a modern look with the function where the error occurred’s name in bold and linked to its a doc. Warning messages will appear in orange. And command window help bolds the function name wherever it appears in the doc.

Rename Variable
Rename Variable The editor now allows you to quickly rename all instances of a variable or a function at once, within a file.Watch the video.

Spreadsheet Import Tool
Rename Variable The new Spreadsheet Import Tool allows you to select ranges of data and define rules for handling nonnumeric values. This tool opens instead of the Import Wizard for spreadsheets and comma-separated value (CSV) files.Watch the video.


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