MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Lose the Gray Face: Customize Your Profile

Do you have a picture on yourCommunity Profile? If you don’t, customize your Community Profile for a chance to win a MATLAB Central hat and t-shirt.

While writing about the科迪milestonesa couple weeks back, I was looking at thePlayers pageand thinking it would be great if we could get more community members to personalize their profile and add a picture. This is a great way to connect with other community members and receive recognition for all your contributions on MATLAB Central.

If you look at Ned’s时尚的plot, it shows custom picture trends for MATLAB Central. As you can see, a lot profiles don’t have a picture, which means we have a lot of not-so-fun gray silhouettes on MATLAB Central.

When a community member navigates to your contributor/player page to see all the contributions you’ve made on MATLAB Central, this is the not-so-fun gray silhouette they will see.

By the way,my profiledoes have a picture, I just didn’t want to pick on anybody specific. And thanks toAlfonso, there is one fun gray silhouette!

Here are two great examples, take a look atMatt Fig’sandNickolas Cheilakos’community profile. These community members have nailed it, by including an interesting picture and their interests in their profile.

It’s easy to customize your profile and add a picture, just navigate to theCommunity Profilepage and click Edit My Profile. To make it even easier for you, here’s the shortcut toedit your community profile. While you’re there, don’t forget to update your Personal Profile and add your Professional Interests too.

So this week I challenge you to customize your community profile for a chance to win a MATLAB Central hat and t-shirt. On Monday, August 6, 2012, I’ll randomly pick a winner and send out the prize.

UPDATE Aug 8, 2012:

We have a winner – Congratulations toStuart! You have a MATLAB Central hat and t-shirt coming your way. Thank you to everyone who updated their Community Profile.



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