MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

The New Cody Contest Underway

Because of the backpacks contributions from the community members like you,CodyHas lots and lots of interesting problems to solve. In fact, it has so many problems that it can start to feel like a jungle, vast and intimidating. How do I even begin?Where should I start?

One way that we have addressed this is by makingProblem groups. This lets you pick a topic that catches your eye. Maybe you seeBasics on Cell ArraysAnd you think to yourself, "you know, the self, I don 't really understand the cell arrays. This could be just the thing to" bringing me up to speed and improve my skills in MATLAB. "Now you have a handy, focused set of ten problems to work through rather than a tangle of 3800 unsorted. The problems and by the end of it, you' ll have a new and useful skill.

But you 've also told us that sorting the problems into groups isn' t enough. How about some difficulty ratings so I know How much I 'm biting off?If I 'm relatively new to MATLAB, I don' t want to slam into the brick wall of a problem that's impossibly hard for someone with my skills. We heard you, and so We recently introduced problem difficulty ratings. Whenever you successfully complete a problem, you 'll be asked to difference it a quick rating. Over time, We' ll amass statistics on all of our problems, giving you one more tool to cheerfully navigate through the vast Cody forest.

This leads us to our most recent community event. We wanted to encourage people to rate the problems, and We also wanted to do a fun event for Cody. So We created theCody Contest 2020It a boost.It runs for the next three have All you have to do is solve the problems and rate them. Every time you rate a problem, you 'll get a virtual raffle ticket to win some fun MATLAB gear. Check out theleaderboard...Maybe some of your friends are already ahead of you!

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