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On the Importance of Software to Research

本周的帖子是Mike Creoucher。迈克是英国客户成功工程团队的成员,与全国学术合作进行他们的教学和计算研究。自成立以来,迈克是研究软件工程运金宝app动的支持者,并共同创立了英国的第一个RSE群体之一。你可以在推特上找到迈克(Mike Croucher (@walkingrandomly) / Twitter的)and LinkedIn (Mike Croucher |linkedin的)

On the Importance of Software to Research

by Mike Croucher


rs在acade相对无形的使用mia, a situation that wasn’t helped by the fact that thereused to be 200 different job titlesfor what we now call Research Software Engineer. Much of the early work of the research software engineering pioneers was data collection. Conducting surveys, parsing through thousands of job adverts looking for mention of software development, reading through large numbers of papers looking for discussion of supporting software and so on.

Step by step, the data revealed a story that could not be denied -- software is important to research and so are those who write it.


We are far from finished. While the importance of research software is better recognised than ever, it still lags far behind the almighty ‘paper’ in the pantheon of research outputs. Furthermore, can we repeat the RSE success story for other contributors such as technicians, librarians and research managers. Are there other vital-but-unrecognised roles that should be brought into the light and given better support and recognition?

研究卓越框架(REF)is the official system for assessing the quality of research in UK Higher Education Institutions. Academics across the country are asked to submit their best research outputs out of 20 different categories and this leads to ranking the research quality of all institutions in the UK. These categories include the obvious such as ‘Journal articles’ and ‘Book Chapters’ but also things as diverse as ‘Devices and products’, ‘Compositions’ and, my personal favourite as a Research Software Engineer, ‘Software’.

In practice, however, journal articles reign supreme. In the previous REF around 97% of all submissions were based on publications (数据在这里)。软件提交非常低,甚至无法在图表上看到它们!如果您发表了许多好文件,您将正式仅审议了研究的好贡献者。其他一切都只是噪音。

需要什么是有关不出版物的所有输出的更多数据,这是英国的隐藏参考comes in. Brought to you by some of the same team behind the Research Software Engineering campaign, the Hidden REF aims to bring these hidden contributions to the surface.隐藏的ref有很多类别including培训材料和课程可以访问设施and, of coursesoftware。Possibly the most exciting, however, is theHidden Role,“我们甚至没有意识到的东西的占位符很重要,我们需要你的帮助找到它。禁止禁止一种研究产出 - 出版物!

由于这是一个Matlab博客,我鼓励英国的任何人对文件交换做出了贡献,以写入他们的软件如何积极影响研究并提交给隐藏的参考。一旦完成了这一点,将本文转发给您的技术人员,图书馆员,设施管理者以及您认为他们的故事所说的其他任何人。我们都知道一些无名英雄,没有我们的研究是不可能的 - 参与隐藏的ref将允许他们和那些像他们那样的人认可,这是一个更好支持的第一步。金宝app

输入隐藏的参考(注意:您需要与英国的机构隶属),前往 write a simple summary of the output of no more than 300 words in length. The deadline for submission is 14th May 2021.


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