开发区域 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer 使用MATLAB开发、测试和集成生产级软件。 星期五,9月3日13:47:55 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.15 mathworks / DeveloperZone https://feedburner.google.com 你觉得幸运吗,小混混? https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/08/31/why-testing-is-worth-the-effort/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/08/31/why-testing-is-worth-the-effort/#respond 8月31日星期二18:24:39 +0000 蒂姆•约翰 测试 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2650 是否需要测试的流程 < p >我的一部分MathWorks < a href = " //www.tatmou.com/services/consulting.html " > < / >咨询团队位于英国专门从事软件架构和测试(安迪的< a href = " https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/11/13/all-your-database-are-belong-to-us/ " >从我发表了一篇文章< / >)。作为我最近培训的一部分,我在思考这个已经在内部流传了很多年的图表:……read more >>

< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“/ > < / div > < p > < p >我的一部分MathWorks < a href = " //www.tatmou.com/services/consulting.html " > < / >咨询团队位于英国专门从事软件架构和测试(安迪的< a href = " https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/11/13/all-your-database-are-belong-to-us/ " >从我发表了一篇文章< / >)。As part of some recent training I was delivering, I was contemplating this diagram that has been floating around internally for a number of years:

Hilarious, I know. The point being made is an obvious one, which got me thinking – if it’s so obvious that writing tests is a good idea, why don’t more people do it?

You need a test, so why don't you write one?

I came up with some possible reasons as to why people don’t write tests:

They don't know how. They think it's difficult. They think that they don’t have the time. They haven't been bitten yet – maybe


https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/08/31/why-testing-is-worth-the-effort/feed/ 0
绕了一圈 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/03/17/coming-around-full-circle/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/03/17/coming-around-full-circle/#respond 3月17日星期三17:11:36 +0000 安迪•坎贝尔 持续集成 测试 第三方集成 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2600

云中的CI服务。他们是美丽的。你所需要做的就是在你的存储库中加入一点o' yaml,然后整个世界的自动化构建和测试基础设施开始创建一些好的……

< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“/>

云中的CI服务。他们是美丽的。您所需要做的就是在您的存储库中添加一点o' yaml,然后整个自动化构建和测试基础设施的世界就会开始在您的提交中创建一些良好的、干净的乐趣。这种良好的干净的乐趣,实际上使您的代码更干净。您不需要设置机器,也不需要担心CI服务器上的电源按钮(或代理)。都是为你做的,很可爱。

A little while ago we showed how MATLAB, Simulink, and most toolboxes are now supported on a variety of cloud CI services for public projects. Today, I'd like to highlight one of these services, CircleCI, in a little more detail. CircleCI is a top CI platform that supports repositories on both GitHub and Bitbucket.

To show you how this can work with MATLAB and Simulink code, let me remind you about our deep learning repository highlighting face detection using a


https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/03/17/coming-around-full-circle/feed/ 0
将配置作为代码的颂歌 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/02/18/configuration-as-code/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/02/18/configuration-as-code/#respond Thu, 18 Feb 2021 22:10:08 +0000 安迪•坎贝尔 持续集成 源控制 测试 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2568 read more >>

< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“/>

It was a dark and stormy night. The dedicated engineer careened across the rain and mud to deliver her critical package through the challenging terrain of the notorious Pipeline Traverse. She had a delivery of the utmost importance and time was of the essence. However, her confidence was strong. After all, she had delivered similar packages hundreds of times. She quickly but carefully ushered this important delivery, navigating around all of the familiar potholes, hairpin turns, and imposing cliff faces. She was just beginning to really enjoy the thrill of the efficiency and precision of her path when the disaster struck.

You see, the familiar path of the Pipeline Traverse changed! It was no longer the same route that she was expecting, and unfortunately she was never notified of the change. The crash was big. And costly. But worst of all, she now found herself lost in the middle of an unfamiliar path with no idea how she could make her delivery. She was lost, and


https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2021/02/18/configuration-as-code/feed/ 0
服务的礼物 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/12/15/cloud-ci-services/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/12/15/cloud-ci-services/#comments Tue, 15 Dec 2020 22:09:13 +0000 安迪•坎贝尔 持续集成 测试 第三方集成 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2525


< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“/>

Welp, it's the holidays!无论你是庆祝圣诞节、光明节、宽扎节、节日节,还是,你知道的,周二,我都希望你在这前所未有、充满挑战的一年里有一个健康快乐的结局。希望你确实有一些值得庆祝和感激的事情,我在这里向你介绍一些我们正在研究的礼物,希望它们会受到欢迎!< / p > < p >每年的这个时候,我想这对我们来说是很常见的思考方式我们可以参与服务他人,减轻人的负担所面临的挑战和整体努力做我们每个可以让世界的一个更好的地方。同时我不想声称这是在同一个联赛所有真正的好,继续帮助边缘化和受压迫,我兴奋地把我的测试,CI, DevOps帽子给一些好的礼物送给那些可能会发现它有点难以实现价值有时我们谈论在这个博客上。


read more >> https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/12/15/cloud-ci-services/feed/ 6 你们所有的数据库都属于我们 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/11/13/all-your-database-are-belong-to-us/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/11/13/all-your-database-are-belong-to-us/#comments 2020年11月13日星期五17:33:22 +0000 安迪•坎贝尔 码头工人 测试 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2512


< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“/>

今天我要介绍第一个博客贡献者Tim Johns。Tim是我们英国办公室的一名顾问,他有丰富的使用MATLAB的能力用于生产应用程序的经验。他在这里强调了他开发的一个强大的工作流,并与数据库共享用于测试。把它拿走,蒂姆!

您需要自动测试!在过去的一年左右的时间里,我和咨询团队的几个同事一直在与我们的一个客户一起工作,在MATLAB®的一个大型软件开发项目中; – 60 000 lines of code, 10+ developers in 3 countries. The resulting application is being used by the customer worldwide. I can easily say that if it wasn’t for automated testing, we would have been completely lost!

The application performs a lot of data analysis. To do this it must connect to an enterprise database. This presents a conundrum:

How do we automatically test against a database?

When writing such data


https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/11/13/all-your-database-are-belong-to-us/feed/ 2
把它和Jenkins联系起来 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/10/07/pluggin-it-in-with-jenkins/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/10/07/pluggin-it-in-with-jenkins/#comments 三,07 Oct 2020 04:08:25 +0000 安迪•坎贝尔 持续集成 项目 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2491 上一篇文章之后得到我所暗示的内容。特别是,设置项目并准备使用自动CI构建是多么容易。我们已经讨论了< a href = " https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/category/continuous-integration/?s_tid=Blog_developer_Category& # 38;订单= asc " >在这个博客上很多次< / >如何得到平方了詹金斯MATLAB和Simulink代码,但我们从来没有讨论过如何方便你工作。金宝app这需要纠正!read more >>

< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“现在我们已经有了MATLAB项目自描述如何测试它们,让我在last post之后得到我所暗示的内容。特别是,设置项目并准备使用自动CI构建是多么容易。我们已经讨论了< a href = " https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/category/continuous-integration/?s_tid=Blog_developer_Category&订单= asc " >在这个博客上很多次< / >如何得到平方了詹金斯MATLAB和Simulink代码,但我们从来没有讨论过如何方便你工作。金宝app这需要纠正!


read more >> https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/10/07/pluggin-it-in-with-jenkins/feed/ 5 测试更多的项目 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/08/19/tests-in-projects/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/08/19/tests-in-projects/#respond 周四,20 Aug 2020 00:41:34 +0000 安迪•坎贝尔 项目 测试 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2456 知道一点关于项目。您可以看到它们是如何使您创建一个标准的环境设置,以便您(和其他人!)可以复制正确的条件,而无需大惊小怪或学习曲线。它为您提供了一个基本的开发单元,以便所有贡献者都知道如何立即开始并为您的工作做出贡献....read more >>

< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“所以现在你知道一点关于项目。您可以看到它们是如何使您创建一个标准的环境设置,以便您(和其他人!)可以复制正确的条件,而无需大惊小怪或学习曲线。它为您提供了一个基本的开发单元,以便所有贡献者都知道如何立即开始并为您的工作做出贡献。< / p > < p >为了好玩,我想展示项目可以开始改善的工作流实例项目,展示项目可用于现有的代码,也许当我们在它我们可以进入更多的福利项目。

因此,让我介绍libDirectional!它是做什么的?我其实没什么头绪。 It is a library related to "directional statistics as well as recursive estimation on directional manifolds", a topic which


https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/08/19/tests-in-projects/feed/ 0
项目你自己! https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/06/11/project-yourself/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/06/11/project-yourself/#comments 周四,11 june 2020 14:22:28 +0000 安迪•坎贝尔 项目 工具箱的开发 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2345

Hello everyone. It has been quite a long time since we've posted anything in this forum. It's not for lack of topics though! We have many great and exciting topics to discuss, and we'd like to kick it off with a great guest post from Laura Dempsey. Laura is an application engineer in our UK office and she has a great energy and interest in how we can develop high integrity MATLAB code. She is here to discuss a feature that is both mature and established as well as new and exciting. Take it away Laura.... read more >>

< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/files/y2020TBT_Picture1.png " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“/ > < / div > < p > < p >大家好。我们已经很长时间没有在这个论坛上发帖了。但这并不是因为缺少话题!我们有很多精彩和令人兴奋的话题要讨论,我们想从劳拉·邓普西的客座文章开始。Laura是我们英国办公室的应用工程师,她对如何开发高完整性的MATLAB代码有着极大的精力和兴趣。她在这里讨论一个既成熟又成熟的功能,同时也是新的和令人兴奋的功能。 Take it away Laura.

In a previous post, Amy explained how to organize your toolbox code. Much of the advice remains the same, but the arrival of MATLAB projects in R2019a significantly advances this workflow. This post is to help you understand current best practice for organizing, testing, and deploying your MATLAB code. For more information, check out the


https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2020/06/11/project-yourself/feed/ 6
利用MATLAB在自动气象站中存储参数 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2019/12/06/storing-parameters-in-aws-using-matlab/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2019/12/06/storing-parameters-in-aws-using-matlab/#respond 星期五,2019年12月6日22:47:31 +0000 Arvind Hosagrahara 外部接口 GitHub 并行计算 第三方集成 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2311

I show how Amazon's Notification system (AWS SNS) can be used from MATLAB service can be used to send information between endpoint in a…read more >>

< div > < img风格= "显示:块;保证金:汽车;max-width: 500 px; " src = " https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/files/y2020TBT_Picture1.png " onError = " this.onerror =零;this.src = ' https://blogs.mathworks.com/wp-content/themes/mathworks_1.0/images/placeholder_12.jpg ';“/>

通知从MATLAB, < / >我展示了亚马逊的通知系统(< a href = " https://aws.amazon.com/sns/ " target = "平等" rel = " noopener noreferrer”> AWS SNS < / >)可以使用从MATLAB服务可以轻松使用在分布式系统的端点之间发送信息,无论是应用程序还是人。

In this short post I want to show how MathWorks tools can use another AWS service - the Simple Systems Manager (SSM) to exchange information between parts of a distributed system. When running locally we frequently use environment variables as an easy way to pass simple values or state between processes. However when moving to a distributed system that isn't an option. We


https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2019/12/06/storing-parameters-in-aws-using-matlab/feed/ 0
从MATLAB通知 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2019/10/14/notifications-from-matlab/?s_tid=feedtopost https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2019/10/14/notifications-from-matlab/#comments 星期一,2019年10月14日21:58:57 +0000 Arvind Hosagrahara 外部接口 GitHub 性能 第三方集成 https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/?p=2248

Waiting for a computer or cluster to finish a task is about as exciting as watching paint dry. XKCD even has a comic about it. MATLAB developers often deal with heavy computational loads, often... read more >>


一个通知我进度、完成情况或错误的系统,可以让我远离屏幕,高效地返回。如果我可以将该通知发送到下一个任务开始,那不是很好吗?或者让整个团队知道构建或测试活动的状态。这就是https://aws.amazon.com/sns/“rel=”noopener“target=“\u blank”>AWS简单通知系统(SNS)即将推出。



https://blogs.mathworks.com/developer/2019/10/14/notifications-from-matlab/feed/ 2