Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLABhas been retired and will not be updated.





Suppose I have a function of two inputs, the first input being the column (of a square array), the second, a scalar, and the output, a vector.

myfun = @(x,z)x'*x+z;

And even though this may be calculated in a fully vectorized manner, let's explore what happens when we work on subarrays from the array input.

I am now creating the input arrayx结果输出以完成计算的阵列两种方式,其中一种方法中有一个中间步骤。

n = 500;x = randn(n,n);结果1 =零(n,1);结果2 =零(n,1);


Here we see and time the first method. In this one, we create a temporary array forx(:,k)ntimes through the outer loop.

ticfork = 1:nforz = 1:n result1(z)= myFun(x(:,k),z);endresult1 = result1+x(:,k);endruntime(1) = toc;


In this method, we extract the column of interest first in the outer loop, and reuse that temporary array each time through the inner loop. Again we see and time the results.

ticfork = 1:nxt = x(:,k);forz = 1:n result2(z) = myfun(xt, z);endresult2 = result2+x(:,k);endruntime(2) = toc;

Same Results?


thesame = is equal(结果1,result2)
theSame = 1

Compare Runtime


Run times are: 2.3936 1.9558

What's Happening?

Here's what's going on. In the first method, we create a temporary variablentimes through the outer loop, even though that array is a constant for a fixed column. In the second method, we extract the relevant column once, and reuse itntimes through the inner loop.

Be thoughtful if you do play around with this. Depending on the details of your function, if the calculations you do each time are large compared to the time to extract a column vector, you may not see much difference between the two methods. However, if the calculations are sufficiently short in duration, then the repeated creation of the temporary variable could add a tremendous amount of overhead to the calculation. In general, you should not be worse off always capturing the temporary array the fewest number of times possible.


Have you noticed similar timing "puzzles" when analyzing one of your algorithms? I'd love to hear more这里.

Published with MATLAB® R2013a
