File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Classifying old Japanese characters using CNN

吉罗‘s pick this week isCNN用于旧日本角色分类by one of my colleaguesAkira Agata.




He uses a large Japanese Classics Character Dataset from Center for Open Data in Humanities. Just to show you how difficult it is even for a human, here are some of the samples from the dataset.

I’ve color-coded it so that the same characters are highlighted with the same color. Some look similar, but others look quite different even for the same character.

Akira uses convolutional neural network (from the深度学习Toolbox) to train a network using the character dataset. Typically, when training a network from scratch you needa lotof labeled images. No worries there. The dataset he’s using has over 20,000 images, with over 1000 images for each character he would like to classify. Training such network is very computationally expensive, so you typically want to do this withGPU或多个GPU如果有他们。但是,从R2017A开始,您可以在CPU上培训卷积神经网络。我花了10分钟多了10分钟,但是我能够使用仅CPU消费者笔记本电脑来训练网络。

Once trained, Akira tested the network against a test character set (different from the training set). His network achieved over 90% accuracy. Here are a few samples of the correctly classified characters.

Here are some of the incorrectly classifed characters.

To learn more about the process, take a look through Akira’s demo.


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Published with MATLAB® R2017a

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