File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Line – Goto From Tool

Sean‘s pick this week isLine – Goto From ToolbyMcSCert.

While readingGuy’s postabout the new signal highlighting capabilities in R2017b, I was reminded of this nice utility.

If you would like to declutter your model, this tool can help. Here is a simple model with five lines going between two subsystems.

After following the installation instructions in the provided pdf to add the utility to the path before starting Simulink,
it’s as simple as selecting a line and right-clicking:

It will prompt for a signal name which you can provide and then create the goto-from tags.

If you’d like to use buses instead of using from/gotos, you could use anothernew featurein Simulink to take the five lines and convert them into a bus.

Simply highlight the lines and hit the ellipsis that pops up:

And select “Create Bus”


Give it a try and let us know what you thinkhereor leave acommentfor McSCert.

Published with MATLAB® R2017b



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