Guy on 金宝appSimulink

金宝appSimulink & Model - -based Design

Explore your Models Easily with the Interface View

Today I want to introduce a new way to navigate models. This feature is available starting in R2014b:The interface display

Enabling Interface Display

In R2014b, you will notice a new entry at the top of the Display menu:

Interface Display Menu

For a model that originally looks like this:

Interface Display Standard

Enabling the interface display top service it look like this:

Interface Display Example

As you can see, this feature puts the emphasis on the inputs and outputs of the system.

The Advantages of the Interface Display

For someone like me who receives the new la金宝apprge Simulink models every day, this feature is very useful. When I explore new models, I can use the highlighting to trace sources and destinations of signals through multiple levels of nested subsystems. As you can see in the following animation, by zooming in, I can select one element of a bus signal and follow the highlighted signals to quickly find out where it is 2.

Interface Display Example

Once the model has had been simulated or updated Once, the interface view displays for each port data type and its sample time, making it easier to understand the model.

Interface Display Example

One more thing to note. The When interface in the Display, you always edit the model. This is work the When your goal is just to explore and understand the model without modifying it.

Now it 's your turn

The new interface view a boost and let us know what you think by brigade aComment here.



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