


The other day, a user told me:That whenever cool if we could program apps for smartphones using 金宝appSimulink



是的,你听到的是对的。如果你有一个仿真软件许可,你金宝app可以下载金宝app为苹果i金宝appOS仿真软件支持包, or if your -- the金宝appSimul金宝appink ® Support Package for Android ™


Since he works mostly in the Apple ecosystem and I don 't, I asked my colleague Mariano Lizarraga Fernandez to be guest blogger this week and describes his first experience trying to build an app for his iPhone.

Getting Started


确保当你安装的支持包完全遵循设置指令金宝appO obtaining a certificate for signing the application。你需要确保你的Xcode的喜好,你的证书是有效的,并且您的应用程序的标识符匹配。在接下来的照片,CBDemo仿真软件模型的名称:金宝app


For the first model, as suggested in theGetting Started documentation page, an easy test is to acquire the camera, video, and display it on the screen, You can directly access this demo by executingiosGettingStartedExample在MATLAB。

Before running this model, open the model 's Configuration Parameters, and in the Hardware Implementation section make sure the Hardware Board is configured for Apple iOS Devices and that your iOS Device is to in the Target Hardware Resources:

The Model Configuration for the target

Now to the Fun Part...

To difference you an idea of what kind of app, it is possible To create, we decided To start with an example from the计算机视觉系统工具箱:Traffic Warning Sign Recognition

The model as - shipped loads a video from your filesystem and performs identification of stop and yield traffic signs, To adapt it for iOS target, we only need To replace The source and sink. The home just replacing The blocks, we decided To useVariants Subsystemssimulation-only版本之间切换,一个可部署的版本。

For the source, we use theiOS相机来源块。只因为这源产生的8位无符号整数,我们需要修改:(1)如何The From Multimedia File块生成的输出结果也在8位无符号整数;和(2)8位帧转换为单一precsision浮点使用im2singleThe function.

Video source for 金宝appSimulink Apple iOS library

Similarly, for the sink the variant, since theiOS视频显示Block only accepts 8-bit unsigned integers, we convert the processed image from single precision floating point to 8-bit unsigned integers using theim2uint8函数


Here is what this looks like in action on an ipod mini:



What kind of app will you create for the iPhone or ipod?Noise cancelling headphone?Driving assistant for blind people?

如果你创建一个很酷的应用程序,提交MATLAB中央文件交换And let us know in a comment below.

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