

This example shows how to perform classification when one class has many more observations than another. You use theRUSBoost首先是算法,因为它旨在处理这种情况。处理不平衡数据的另一种方法是使用名称值对参数'事先的'或者'Cost'。有关详细信息,请参阅Handle Imbalanced Data or Unequal Misclassification Costs in Classification Ensembles


布莱克德和迪恩[1]describe a neural net classification of this data. They quote a 70.6% classification accuracy.RUSBoost获得超过81%的分类精度。


Import the data into your workspace. Extract the last data column into a variable namedY

gunzip('https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/covtype/covtype.data.gz') 加载covtype.dataY = covtype(:,end); covtype(:,end) = [];


Value Count Percent 1 211840 36.46% 2 283301 48.76% 3 35754 6.15% 4 2747 0.47% 5 9493 1.63% 6 17367 2.99% 7 20510 3.53%



Use half the data to fit a classifier, and half to examine the quality of the resulting classifier.

rng(10,'twister')%可再现性part = cvpartition(Y,'Holdout',0.5); istrain = training(part);拟合数据的%istest = test(part);质量评估的数据%列表(y(ISTRAIN))
Value Count Percent 1 105919 36.46% 2 141651 48.76% 3 17877 6.15% 4 1374 0.47% 5 4747 1.63% 6 8684 2.99% 7 10254 3.53%


Use deep trees for higher ensemble accuracy. To do so, set the trees to have maximal number of decision splits ofN, whereN是训练样本中的观察数。放LearnRateto0.1为了达到更高的精度。数据很大,并且有深树,创建合奏很耗时。

N = sum(istrain);% Number of observations in the training samplet = Templatetree('maxnumsplits',N); tic rusTree = fitcensemble(covtype(istrain,:),Y(istrain),'Method','rusboost',。。。'NumLearningCycles',1000,“学习者”,t,'LearnRate',0.1,'nprint',100);

Inspect the classification error

Plot the classification error against the number of members in the ensemble.

数字;TIC图(损失(Rustree,covtype(istest,:),y(iStest),'模式',“累积”)); toc
网格; xlabel('Number of trees');ylabel('Test classification error');


Examine the confusion matrix for each class as a percentage of the true class.

tic yfit =预测(rustree,covtype(iStest,:));TOC
Elapsed time is 132.353489 seconds.

All classes except class 2 have over 90% classification accuracy. But class 2 makes up close to half the data, so the overall accuracy is not that high.

Compact the ensemble

The ensemble is large. Remove the data using the袖珍的方法。

cmpctrus = compact(rustee);sz(1)= Whos('rusTree');sz(2) = whos('cmpctRus');[sz(1).bytes sz(2).bytes]
ans =1×2109× 1.6579 0.9423


将一半的树从cmpctRus。This action is likely to have minimal effect on the predictive performance, based on the observation that 500 out of 1000 trees give nearly optimal accuracy.

cmpctRus = removeLearners(cmpctRus,[500:1000]); sz(3) = whos('cmpctRus');sz(3).bytes
ans = 452868660

The reduced compact ensemble takes about a quarter of the memory of the full ensemble. Its overall loss rate is under 19%:

L = loss(cmpctRus,covtype(istest,:),Y(istest))
L = 0.1833

The predictive accuracy on new data might differ, because the ensemble accuracy might be biased. The bias arises because the same data used for assessing the ensemble was used for reducing the ensemble size. To obtain an unbiased estimate of requisite ensemble size, you should use cross validation. However, that procedure is time consuming.


[1]Blackard, J. A. and D. J. Dean. "Comparative accuracies of artificial neural networks and discriminant analysis in predicting forest cover types from cartographic variables".在Agricultur电脑和电子产品eVol. 24, Issue 3, 1999, pp. 131–151.

See Also

