Containing the Power of the Sun

The Path to Carbon Independence Through Nuclear Fusion

当jesús罗梅罗,主导科学家TAE Technologies, was a child, his father used to bring home a newspaper every Sunday. Inside was a little newspaper for kids that included puzzles. The puzzles were often mazes, where the goal was to help a cartoon animal find the right path through various “dangers” to reach the prize at the end. Romero quickly recognized that puzzles were easier to solve if you started at the end and worked your way backward. He tells this story as a buildup to describe a poster at the entrance of TAE in California. The poster features the company’s late technology co-founder, Norman Rostoker, in a cowboy hat, and a quote: “We started with the end in mind.”


The end that TAE has in mind is safe nuclear fusion power. Fusion power is a goal that many have been working toward for decades. But the timeline for achieving terrestrial fusion has largely depended on technology catching up with the science, which is now accelerating exponentially. Once achieved, fusion would provide cheap, green, nearly endless energy, and transform society.



普遍的方法使两种类型的氢原子熔断:氘,其在核中具有一个质子和一个中子,氚,具有一个质子和两个中子。质子呈正电和互相排斥。融合需要足够的压力和热量,以便以高速碰撞。所需的热量,大约数亿摄氏度,is enough to melt anything that might contain the plasma—an ionized gas in which electrons and nuclei fly around independently. Strong magnetic fields are used to center the plasma inside reactors, away from the walls.


The TAE team realized there was a different way. They began with the end in mind: What would a truly safe reactor look like? They concluded that the only answer was to use hydrogen-boron fusion. This reaction only gives off three helium nuclei, also called alpha particles—hence TAE’s original name, Tri Alpha Energy—and X-rays, which can be captured to generate electricity by heating metal panels to cause liquid CO2蒸发并驱动涡轮机。


Rostoker是加利福尼亚大学欧文的物理教授;他的学生Michl Binderbauer;并且每个人参与公司早期开始解决20世纪90年代初的问题,成立于1998年。Binderbauer现在是公司的首席执行官。TAE已申请或获得超过1,400项的专利,并在风险投资中获得超过7.5亿美元。他们经营了超过10万台实验,现在雇用了来自30多个国家的200多人。他们目前正在第五代实验反应堆上,后期罗斯特克后期被命名诺曼。


The streams collide and merge and start rotating. A set of eight accelerator beams outside the central chamber shoot neutral particles—deuterium—at the plasma, which heats it up and keeps it spinning. When the plasma spins, it creates its own magnetic field, helping to keep it contained.


A detailed rendering of field-reversed configuration. Image credit: TAE

Field Work


Norman采用七个基于FPGA的模块进行传感和控制。四个采集模块从传感器接收输入并将信息冷凝到20个数字,该数字描述了它们发送到通信模块的等离子体的当前状态。然后,将信息发送到两个控制模块,该模块决定如何调整到等离子体状态并将其信号传递到磁体上。FPGA全部与MATLAB编程®and Simulink®.


“我一直在设计FPGA超过三十年,并让他们跑得那么快,这是一个挑战,”MathWorks的技术顾问Jonathan Young说。

Because FPGAs have parallel circuitry, programmers need to orchestrate the timing of calculations so that each step receives all its inputs in time. Young used Simulink to visually move blocks of logic around, connect them with virtual wires, and observe their timing. It’s like designing a city grid to reduce traffic. MATLAB then translates the algorithm into code used to configure the FPGA.


Jesús Romero, lead scientist at TAE Technologies


In the end, the math got down to 3 microseconds. “The amazing part was just to get that many calculations done that fast,” Young says. “TAE needed the calculations to complete in less than 10 microseconds, and we were able to beat that goal.”

The acquisition and control modules were designed bySpeedgoatusing Xilinx®FPGA。“我们从未有过这样的巨大设置,”Speedgoat的FPGA Technologies负责人Patrick Herzig说。ordan使用七个模块,典型项目使用一个。并且TAE希望包括来自磁传感器的多于磁传感器的诊断信号。


The End Is Green



TAE has now demonstrated that they can actively control the plasma. They’ve also demonstrated that the experiments scale well—as they add more power, the temperature doesn’t plateau. The hardest questions about what’s possible have been answered. Rather than scaling up, only to find that the underlying ideas don’t work, “We believe in what we call ‘fail-first,’ ” Romero says. “It doesn’t make sense to delay the showstopper until the end.”

TAE的下一个融合设备,哥白尼目前正在开发中。它是一个旨在在约1亿摄氏度的电抗器规模平台,涉及氘氚融合所需的相同温度(但是,哥白尼不会被氚燃料)。然后,TAE计划构建一个名为Da Vinci的最终原型,以证明氢硼燃料循环的净能量增益,这意味着反应可以产生更多的能量而不是将其放入其中。


Jesús Romero, lead scientist at TAE Technologies




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