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Key AI and Industry 4.0 Trends for Engineers in 2020

By Jos Martin, MathWorks

With improved access to existing deep learning models and research AI project work will become more widely accessible to scientists and engineers. Traditionally, AI models have been majority image-based but next year they will incorporate a wider range of data, from sensor to time-series to text and radar data.

Scientists and engineers will be particularly successful with AI projects given their inherent domain knowledge but use of tools such as automatic labelling to rapidly curate large and high-quality datasets will be key to success. The higher the quality of the data and the more of it there is, the higher likelihood of accuracy in an AI model and the better the chance of success.

With Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence continually redefining the limits of what is possible for engineers and scientists, 2020 will be a pivotal year. Here are the key trends we can expect to see over the next 12 months.

  • Model-based design tools galore
  • 灵活的生产lines with cobots and AI
  • Predictive maintenance evolution with edge computing
  • Reinforcement learning industrial applications

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Published 2020