ABB, Deltamarin, and VTT Simulate and Optimize Ship Energy Flows




使用仿真金宝app软件和Simscape模型,模拟,optimize ship energy flow at the system level


  • System-level ship energy optimization enabled
  • Cost- and fuel-saving design improvements identified
  • 测试成本降低了数万欧元


Juha Orivuori,ABB


To help meet this demand, ABB, Deltamarin, and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland partnered to build a ship energy flow simulator using MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Simscape™. The simulator enables engineers to test, evaluate, and implement novel technologies with fewer prototypes, as well as to design and retrofit optimized energy systems based on customer requirements and ship operating profiles.

“实际上是不可能为今天的船舶原创大能子系统 - 它需要太长而且太昂贵,”ABB的铅开发工程师Juha Orivuori说。“金宝appSimulink和Simscape使我们能够模拟每个子系统作为完整船舶能源系统的一部分,以便我们知道在我们实施之前它将如何工作。”


Increasing a ship’s cargo capacity can reduce unit operating costs, but larger ships require more complex power plants with more sophisticated mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and thermohydraulic subsystems. Because the behavior of these subsystems is interdependent, improving the performance of one subsystem may actually reduce overall efficiency. As a result, selecting and dimensioning propulsion, main power systems, all the auxiliaries, and cooling and heating for new and existing ships is a challenging optimization problem.

In the past, engineers used spreadsheets to calculate ranges for component sizes, but they found several drawbacks with this approach. The spreadsheets were not always reusable across projects, and colleagues found them difficult to review and understand. The approach was impractical for analyzing the system at various ship speeds and drafts or under wind, sea state, and other operating conditions. Spreadsheets were not suitable for dynamic analysis, and they could not be compared with data measured at sea or used to develop control systems.

To understand and identify interactions between different subsystems, Deltamarin, ABB, and VTT needed to model the complete ship energy flow with mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, thermal, pneumatic, and thermohydraulic components. They then needed to simulate this multidomain physical model to perform system-level optimizations.


A small team of engineers from ABB, Deltamarin, and VTT built the ship energy flow simulator using Simulink and Simscape. Working in Simulink, the team created a top-level model incorporating the main engine, diesel generator, electric alternating current (AC), propeller, cooling water, and steam subsystems.


“One advantage of creating the models based on first principles is that the models are easy to understand,” says Guangrong Zou, research scientist at VTT. “We can clearly see how well a Simscape model is working even if we do not have measurements to fully validate it.”

Using the Simscape language, they defined three custom physical domains—thermalfluid, steam, and electrical AC—and built libraries of new Simscape components based on those domain definitions, including a new thermalfluid library with more than 50 components.



The group has modeled and performed energy flow simulations for cruise ships, container ships, and other ship types, and ABB is using the simulator with its onboard Energy Monitoring and Management (EMMA™) system to understand the efficiency of existing vessels.


  • System-level ship energy optimization enabled。“虽然基本机械可以在电子表格中建模,但我们无法在Excel中实现所有目标,”达特兰林的发展经理Mia Elg说。“金宝appSimulink和Simscape使我们能够使用动态操作型材运行多域模拟和能量平衡计算,并对当今船舶和未来船舶进行能量优化。”

  • Cost- and fuel-saving design improvements identified。“Simulink simulations showed that the main water cooling pump was not optimally dimensioned or controlled, and that design changes to this pump alone could reduce a ship’s annual fuel consumption by 2.5%,” says Elg. Zou adds, “This is only the beginning of the savings in the machinery auxiliary systems: Simulations showed that control optimizations for a three-way valve resulted in up to 45% more heat energy recovered.”

  • 测试成本降低了数万欧元。“当我们在船上测试新系统时,每日成本可能很大,”Orivuori说。“通过Sim金宝appulink和Simscape,我们发现并通过模拟 - 在虚拟实验室中找到问题,无需额外的成本 - 船舶船舶解决是非常昂贵的。”

Project Team

ABB:Juha Orivuori,铅开发工程师和Kalevi Tervo,铅开发工程师

Deltamarin:MIA ELG,发展经理和苏玲峰,能源和环境效率,概念发展

VTT:Kari Tammi,研究教授和研究经理;Aki Kinnunen,高级科学家;和古格荣邹,研究科学家