User Stories

RWE Develops and Deploys an Automated System for Natural Gas and Power Trading and Risk Management




Engage MathWorks Consulting to develop and deploy to a production environment an automated pricing and risk management system that fits within the company’s existing IT infrastructure


  • Models created in minutes, not weeks
  • 100% accurate results delivered
  • 技术专业知识适用于核心业务目标

“MathWorks consultants were well-qualified, professional, and fast. They understood not only the technical issues but also the business goals, which is essential when working on a core business system. We got more than we expected from MathWorks Consulting.”


As one of Europe’s five largest electricity and gas companies and the leading power producer in Germany, RWE supplies electricity and gas to over 24 million customers. When writing new gas contracts, RWE relies on complex models that factor in market prices, estimated demand, exchange rates, and projected daily temperatures. To manage risk, the company purchases futures and options, which serve as a hedge against market volatility.

RWE与Mathworks Consulting一起建立和部署Ewita(Entwicklung It-Zielarchitektur Strom And Gas)的计算内核,这是一次会计,投资组合和的自动化系统风险管理。Ewita是在RWE中使用的SAP框架内的模块。基于Matlab.®,它使分析人员能够快速更新模型以响应不断变化的市场条件,并提供一致的,并提供一致的可靠性效果。

MATLAB是理想的解决方案这个核心普杜拉。布辛ess application,” says Dr. Norbert Tönder, IT project manager at RWE IT GmbH. “First, MATLAB provides precise results for very complex calculations. Second, the MATLAB language enables users to easily create sophisticated models and understand models written by others. Third, using MATLAB Compiler SDK we can integrate EwITA into our existing SAP framework. Last, with MATLAB we can extend the system to meet our future needs.”


Groups within RWE used disparate tools for trading and risk management, including purpose-built software and spreadsheets. Because the tools sometimes yielded different results, analysts had to perform tedious manual checks to ensure accuracy. Further, the tools could not handle nonlinear models, and model updates involved weeks of programming effort.

RWE希望单一,一致的系统与其SAP Enterprise软件集成并通过公司访问。他们需要启用财务分析师以更新模型,而无需等待IT编程辅助。

To develop and deploy the system, RWE sought to collaborate with technical specialists. “This is a business-critical system for RWE, and we wanted experts to help us develop and implement it quickly,” Tönder explains. “Just as important, we wanted to ensure a smooth knowledge transfer so that we could be self-sufficient once the job was complete.”


RWE从MathWorks从事顾问以构建和部署复杂公式的计算工具,并将其连接到RWE的Enterprise SAP系统。该顾问使用MATLAB和MATLAB编译器SDK™在公司IT基础架构内构建和部署EWITA,在整个公司中都可以访问它。


Using representative models, input data, and pricing systems, the consultants compared the algorithm’s results with results obtained from RWE’s existing systems. They then implemented additional risk management capabilities in MATLAB, including support for nonlinear models.


The consulting team used MATLAB to build FormelEditor, an interface that enables RWE analysts to create and update models without manual coding. A second interface, FormelTest, lets them test models offline using historical prices.




  • Models created in minutes, not weeks。“使用我们以前的系统创建新模型通常需要一周或更长的编程和测试,”Tönder说。“通过基于Matlab的模型编辑,我们的分析师可以在几分钟内完成。通过自动化这一过程,我们几乎可以立即响应不断变化的市场条件,我们的创建和更新模型的成本是他们所在的10%至20%。“

  • 100% accurate results delivered。“在过去,我们有不同的实现,产生了不同的结果,”Tönder说明。“通过使用SAP使用Matlab Compiler SDK构建的Java包集成,我们现在具有稳定的生产系统,可在整个RWE中提供相同的准确结果。”

  • 技术专业知识适用于核心业务目标。“因为这个系统对RWE的业务如此至关重要,所以开发它所需的专家,他们不仅是技术专家还是商业娴熟,”Tönder说。“Mathworks顾问在战略层面与我们互动,记录我们的业务目标并使用他们的技术专业知识将我们的要求转化为系统功能。”


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