




  • 控制瘫痪的手和恢复
  • 实时处理性能实现
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration enabled


David Friedenberg, Battelle

Patient using the Battelle NeuroLife system.

当疾病或损伤破坏连接大脑电机皮质到肌肉的神经途径时,结果通常是永久性瘫痪。Battelle的工程师,科学家和统计所和统计学人员开发了一种绕过损坏的神经途径的技术。该系统被称为Battelle NeuroLife™,是首次使用人类中的核心录制的神经信号成功恢复肌肉控制。它使一位二次熟人的人重新控制他的右前臂,手和手指。

NeuroLife includes signal processing and machine learning algorithms developed in MATLAB®。These algorithms process and interpret signals from a microelectrode array implanted in the study participant’s brain. When the participant thinks of a specific hand movement, the algorithms decode the resultant brain signals, identify the intended movement, and generate signals that stimulate the patient’s arm to perform the movement.



To translate this data into specific hand movements, Battelle engineers needed to extract meaningful features, apply classification algorithms to identify patterns in those features, and map the patterns to the participant’s intended hand movements. The engineers then needed to control 130 channels of a neuromuscular electrical stimulator (NMES) sleeve on the participant’s right arm. Even a seconds-long delay between thought and movement would have made the movement too unnatural, rendering the entire system impractical. As a result, all data processing, classification, and decoding had to be done in real time. To achieve performance approaching natural motion, the system had to update 10 times per second, which meant completing all processing steps in less than 100 milliseconds.

Battelle used MATLAB to develop signal processing and machine learning algorithms and run the algorithms in real time.

The participant was shown a computer-generated virtual hand performing movements such as wrist flexion and extension, thumb flexion and extension, and hand opening and closing, and instructed to think about making the same movements with his own hand.


They performed transforms on the results of the decomposition in MATLAB to calculate mean wavelet power (MWP), reducing the 3000 features captured during each 100 millisecond window for a single channel to a single value.

The resulting 96 MWP values were used as feature vectors for machine learning algorithms that translate the features into individual movements.






  • 控制瘫痪的手和恢复。“我们使用MATLAB开发的算法从植入的微电极阵列解码信号并致动NMES套筒,使参与者返回他的手臂和手的基本控制,”战士的主要研究统计学家David Friedenberg说。“在研究结束时,他可以抓住一个瓶子,倒出它的内容物,并将其设置下来,然后拿起搅拌棒并执行搅拌运动。”
  • 实时处理性能实现。“我们的算法在Matlab运行的60-70毫秒内执行了所有必要的小波分解,解码和其他处理,”Battelle的研究科学家Nick Annetta说。
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration enabled.“我是一个统计学家,尼克是一个电气根据合同r, and lots of other engineers and interns worked on the project,” says Friedenberg. “The whole team was comfortable with MATLAB—it was the language that we all had in common.”


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