




  • 弧度的攻击角(alpha),

  • sideslip angle (beta) in radians,

  • 打结中指示的空速(IAS),

  • 弧度/秒的身体角度率(欧米茄),

  • downrange and crossrange positions in feet, and

  • 高度(alt)英尺。


Extract Flight Parameters from Loaded Data

MATLAB® variables are created for angle of attack (alpha), sideslip angle (beta), body angular rates (omega), and altitude (alt) from recorded data. The交流vel功能用于将身体角度速率从每秒(RAD/s)转换为每秒度(DEG/s)度。

alpha = fltdata(:,2); beta = fltdata(:,3); omega = convangvel( fltdata(:,5:7),'rad/s',,,,'deg/s');alt = fltdata(:,10);



测量误差是通过用于确定空速的试验静态空速指标引入的。这些测量错误是密度误差,,,,可压缩性误差校准误差。Applying these errors to true airspeed results in indicated airspeed.

  • Density error由于较低的空气密度发生在高度。effect is an airspeed indicator reads lower than true airspeed at higher altitudes. When the difference or error in air density at altitude from air density on a standard day at sea level is applied to true airspeed, it results in equivalent airspeed (EAS). Equivalent airspeed is true airspeed modified with the changes in atmospheric density which affect the airspeed indicator.

  • 可压缩性误差occurs because air has a limited ability to resist compression. This ability is reduced by an increase in altitude, an increase in speed, or a restricted volume. Within the airspeed indicator, there is a certain amount of trapped air. When flying at high altitudes and higher airspeeds, calibrated airspeed (CAS) is always higher than equivalent airspeed. Calibrated airspeed is equivalent airspeed modified with compressibility effects of air which affect the airspeed indicator.

  • 校准误差is specific to a given aircraft design. Calibration error is the result of the position and placement of the static vent(s) to maintain a pressure equal to atmospheric pressure inside the airspeed indicator. Position and placement of the static vent along with angle of attack and velocity of the aircraft will determine the pressure inside the airspeed indicator and thus the amount of calibration error of the airspeed indicator. A calibration table is usually given in the pilot operating handbook (POH) or in other aircraft specifications. Using this calibration table, the indicated airspeed (IAS) is determined from calibrated airspeed by modifying it with calibration error of the airspeed indicator.


flaps0IAS = 40:10:140; flaps0CAS = [43 51 59 68 77 87 98 108 118 129 140];


cas = interp1(flaps0ias,flaps0cas,fltdata(:,4));


[t,a,p,rho] = Attoscoesa(alt);

一旦确定了校准的空速(CAS)和大气特性,就可以使用True Airspeed(VT)计算正确的peedfunction.

Vt = correctairspeed( CAS, a, P,'CAS',,,,'tas');

Import Digital DATCOM Data for Aircraft

使用Datcomimportfunction to bring the Digital DATCOM data into MATLAB. The units for this aerodynamic information are feet and degrees.

data = datcomimport('astflight.out',是的,0);


C y β ,,,, C n β ,,,, C l ,,,, C m

have data only in the first alpha value. By default, missing data points are set to 99999 and filled using the "previous" method of fillmissing. The missing data points are filled with the values for the first alpha, since these data points are meant to be used for all alpha values.

data {1} .cyb = fillmissing(data {1} .cyb,“以前的”,,,,"MissingLocations",,,,data{1}.cyb == 99999); data{1}.cnb = fillmissing(data{1}.cnb,“以前的”,,,,"MissingLocations",数据{1} .cnb == 99999);data {1} .clq = fillmissing(data {1} .clq,“以前的”,,,,"MissingLocations",数据{1} .clq == 99999);data {1} .cmq = fillmissing(data {1} .cmq,“以前的”,,,,"MissingLocations",,,,data{1}.cmq == 99999);



[mnum,alp,h] = ndgrid(data {1} .mach,data {1} .alpha,data {1} .alt);


alphadeg = Convang(Alpha,'rad',,,,'deg');


MACH = MACHNUMBER(VERVEVEL([VT ZEROS(size(VT,1),2)],'kts',,,,'小姐'), 一个 );


f = griddedInterpolant(mnum,alp,h,pagetranspose(data {1} .cd),“线性”);CD = F(Mach,Alphadeg,Alt);f = griddedInterpolant(mnum,alp,h,pagetranspose(data {1} .cyb),“线性”);cyb = f(马赫,alphadeg,alt);f = griddedInterpolant(mnum,alp,h,pagetranspose(data {1} .cl),“线性”);Cl = F(Mach,Alphadeg,Alt);f = griddedInterpolant(mnum,alp,h,pagetranspose(data {1} .cyp),“线性”);CYP = F(Mach,Alphadeg,Alt);f = griddedInterpolant(mnum,alp,h,pagetranspose(data {1} .clad),“线性”);clad = F(Mach, alphadeg, alt);

Compute Aerodynamic Coefficients

Once the derivatives are found for the flight conditions, aerodynamic coefficients can be calculated.

Reference lengths and areas used in the aerodynamic coefficient computation are extracted from the digital DATCOM structure.

cbar = data{1}.cbar; Sref = data{1}.sref; bref = data{1}.blref;


betadeg = convang(beta,'rad',,,,'deg');

To calculate the aerodynamic coefficients, the body angular rates (omega) need to be given in the stability axes, like the derivatives. The functiondcmbody2stability当侧滑角(beta)设置为零时,为身体轴(TSB)生成方向余弦矩阵。

tsb = dcmbody2Stacity(alpha);

还需要需要在稳定轴(Omega_stab)中找到角度速率的攻击角度变化速率(alpha_dot)。功能差异is used on alpha in degrees divided by data sample time (0.50 seconds) to approximate the rate of change in angle of attack (alpha_dot).

alpha_dot = diff(alphadeg/0.50);


alpha_dot = [alpha_dot;alpha_dot(end)];


omega_temp = reshape((omega - [zeros(size(alpha)) alpha_dot zeros(size(alpha))])',3,1,length(omega));fork = length(omega):-1:1 omega_stab(k,:) = (Tsb(:,:,k)*omega_temp(:,:,k))';end


CD = CD;cy =(cyb。'kts',,,,'ft/s'));cl = cl +(((((clad。*alpha_dot))*cbar)/(2./convvel(vt),'kts',,,,'ft/s'));



Dynamic pressure is needed to calculate the aerodynamic forces. The functiondpressure计算来自空速(VT)和密度(RHO)的动态压力。这convvel功能用于获得与密度(RHO)一致的空速单位(VT)。

qbar = dpressure(vervel([vt zeros(size(vt,1),2)]],'kts',,,,'小姐'),rho);


tbs = pagetranspose(TSB);


fork =长度(QBAR):-1:1 forces_lbs(k,:) = tbs(::,:,k)*(conspres(qbar(k),,,'Pa',,,,'PSF')*sref*[ -  cd(k);cy(k);-cl(k)]);end

A constant thrust is estimated in the body axes.

推力=一个(length(forces_lbs),1)*[200 0 0];

这constant thrust estimate is added to aerodynamic forces and units are converted to metric.

力= confforce((势_lbs +推力),'lbf',,,,'n');




n = convacc(力/convmass(84.2,,'slug',,,,'kg'),'m/s^2',,,,“ G的”);N = N .* [1,1,-1];

G forces are plotted over the flight.

H1 =图;情节(fltdata(::,1),n);Xlabel(“时间(SEC)”)ylabel(“ G力”)title(“ g飞行”) 传奇('nx',,,,'ny',,,,'NZ',,,,'地点',,,,'最好的'

