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App That Displays Data in a Hierarchy Using Tree

This app shows how to add a tree to an App Designer app. The app selects data frompatients.xlsand displays it in a hierarchy using a tree. The tree contains three nodes that display hospital names. Each hospital node contains nodes that display patient names. When the user clicks a patient name in the tree, thePatient Informationpanel displays data such as age, gender, and health status. When the user edits the patient data, the app asks the user to confirm the change and then stores the change in the table variable.

In addition to the tree andPatient Informationpanel, this app also contains the following UI components:

  • Read-only text field — Used to display the patient’s name

  • Numeric edit field — Used to display and accept changes to the patient’s age

  • Drop-down list — Used to display and accept changes to the patient’s gender and health status

  • Check box — Used to display and accept changes to the patient’s smoking history

  • Confirmation dialog box — Used to confirm changes to patient data

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