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NetCDF Files

Network Common Data Form

Read or write NetCDF files using MATLAB®high-level functions or the NetCDF library package of low-level functions. High-level functions simplify the process of reading data from a NetCDF file or writing a variable from the MATLAB workspace into a NetCDF file.

更多的对阅读和写作过程的控制ess, use the NetCDF Library Package containing low-level functions. The low-level functions enable more control over the reading and writing process by providing access to the routines in the NetCDF C library.

For copyright information, see thenetcdfcopyright.txtandmexnccopyright.txtfiles.


alle erweitern

nccreate Create variable in NetCDF file
ncdisp Display contents of NetCDF data source in Command Window
ncinfo Return information about NetCDF data source
ncread Read data from variable in NetCDF data source
ncreadatt Read attribute value from NetCDF data source
ncwrite Write data to NetCDF file
ncwriteatt Write attribute to NetCDF file
ncwriteschema Add NetCDF schema definitions to NetCDF file

Library Functions

netcdf.setChunkCache Set default chunk cache settings for NetCDF library
netcdf.getChunkCache Retrieve chunk cache settings for NetCDF library
netcdf.inqLibVers Return NetCDF library version information
netcdf.setDefaultFormat Change default netCDF file format

File Operations

netcdf.abort Revert recent netCDF file definitions
netcdf.close Close netCDF file
netcdf.create Create new NetCDF dataset
netcdf.endDef End netCDF file define mode
netcdf.inq Return information about netCDF file
netcdf.inqFormat Determine format of NetCDF file
netcdf.inqGrps 检索子组id的数组
netcdf.inqUnlimDims Return list of unlimited dimensions in group Open NetCDF data source
netcdf.reDef Put open netCDF file into define mode
netcdf.setFill Set netCDF fill mode
netcdf.sync Synchronize netCDF file to disk


netcdf.defDim Create netCDF dimension
netcdf.inqDim Return netCDF dimension name and length
netcdf.inqDimID Return dimension ID
netcdf.renameDim Change name of netCDF dimension


netcdf.defGrp Create group in NetCDF file
netcdf.inqDimIDs Retrieve list of dimension identifiers in group
netcdf.inqGrpName 检索的名字group
netcdf.inqGrpNameFull Complete pathname of group
netcdf.inqGrpParent Retrieve ID of parent group.
netcdf.inqNcid Return ID of named group
netcdf.inqVarIDs IDs of all variables in group


netcdf.defVarFill Define fill parameters for NetCDF variable
netcdf.inqVarDeflate Determine compression settings for NetCDF variable
netcdf.defVar Create NetCDF variable
netcdf.defVarChunking Define chunking behavior for NetCDF variable
netcdf.defVarDeflate Define compression parameters for NetCDF variable
netcdf.defVarFletcher32 Define checksum parameters for NetCDF variable
netcdf.getVar Read data from NetCDF variable
netcdf.inqVar Information about variable
netcdf.inqVarChunking Determine chunking settings for NetCDF variable
netcdf.inqVarFill Determine values of fill parameters for NetCDF variable
netcdf.inqVarFletcher32 Fletcher32 checksum setting for NetCDF variable
netcdf.inqVarID Return ID associated with variable name
netcdf.putVar Write data to netCDF variable
netcdf.renameVar Change name of netCDF variable


netcdf.copyAtt Copy attribute to new location
netcdf.delAtt Delete netCDF attribute
netcdf.getAtt Return NetCDF attribute
netcdf.inqAtt Return information about netCDF attribute
netcdf.inqAttID Return ID of netCDF attribute
netcdf.inqAttName Return name of netCDF attribute
netcdf.putAtt Write NetCDF attribute
netcdf.renameAtt Change name of attribute


netcdf.getConstant Return numeric value of named constant
netcdf.getConstantNames Return list of constants known to netCDF library


Import NetCDF Files and OPeNDAP Data

Read data from a NetCDF file using the high-level functions, and then read the file by using thenetcdfpackage low-level functions.

Export to NetCDF Files

Create, merge, and write NetCDF files using high-level functions and thenetcdfpackage low-level functions.

Map NetCDF API Syntax to MATLAB Syntax

MATLABnetcdfpackage of low-level functions and its correspondence with the NetCDF C library.


Resolve Errors Reading OPeNDAP Data

When you have trouble reading OPeNDAP data, consider these factors.

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