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Package and Share Apps

Share apps directly with MATLAB®users or package and share them as standalone apps

Apps are interactive applications written to solve common technical computing tasks. You can create and share your own apps, just like the ones that come with some MATLAB products, for other people to install. For more information, seeGet and Create Apps.

Consider using the functions that follow to automate tasks such as testing and debugging your apps.


matlab.apputil.create Create or modify app project file interactively using the Package App dialog box
matlab.apputil.package Package app files into a.mlappinstallfile
matlab.apputil.install Install app from a.mlappinstallfile Run app programmatically
matlab.apputil.getInstalledAppInfo List installed app information
matlab.apputil.uninstall Uninstall app


Get and Create Apps

Find apps that come with your installed products, create your own, or get apps as add-ons from the MATLAB File Exchange.

Ways to Share Apps

Share your packaged apps with others.

Package Apps From the MATLAB Toolstrip

Package your app into an app installation file to easily share it with others.

Package Apps in App Designer

Package apps from within the App Designer development environment.

App Packaging Dependency Analysis

Learn the file dependencies that MATLAB searches for when you package an app.

Modify Apps

Modify your packaged apps.

MATLAB App Installer File — mlappinstall

Search for and install MATLAB app installer files,.mlappinstall, that you created to share your MATLAB apps.