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  • 包装输送机

  • Robotic movement

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空间接触力基础和追随者框架固体固体之间的块模型。当连接两个实体块时空间接触力块大小相等,方向相反的力量以及适用于有限公司mmon contact plane. These forces conform to Newton's Third Law. The normal force is applied based on the penetration depth and the penetration velocity. If applied, the frictional force is based on the normal force and the relative velocities at the point of contact.

Simscape™ Multibody™使用penalty methodFor modeling contact between bodies, which allows the bodies to penetrate a small amount. Contact forces in the normal direction are computed using a spring-damper force law: the deeper the penetration and the greater the relative velocity in the penetration direction, the greater the normal contact forces.


空间接触力block properties are divided into three expandable nodes:正常力,,,,摩擦力,,,,andSensing。使用时设置这些属性空间接触力block to model the contact forces between two solid bodies.



Parameters in the Normal Force section are used to determine the normal force,Fn,两个固体互相施加。You can specify theStiffness,,,,减震,,,,and过渡区域宽度


摩擦力部分中的参数用于确定摩擦力,即FF,两个固体互相施加。如果您设置方法光滑的粘滑,,,,then you can specify the静态摩擦系数,,,,Coefficient of Dynamic Friction,,,,andCritical Velocity。当这些选项不可用时方法is set toNone



  • Separation Distance—The distance between two solid bodies

  • 正常力 - 每个固体施加的正常力。

  • 摩擦力幅度 - 每个固体施加的摩擦力。

要启用这些选项,请打开空间接触力块属性。在下面Sensing,,,,select the properties that you want the block to sense. For each property, a port is exposed on the block. Connect these ports to a viewer of your choice.




Connect the geometry port to the base or follower port on the空间接触力堵塞。按照您的其他实体块的相同步骤,并将其连接到其余端口。要了解有关基础和追随者框架的更多信息,请参阅选择测量框架


Compared to modeling the mechanical relationships in a multibody system, modeling contact presents more choices, and the chosen methods can impact simulation speed, accuracy, and model maintainability.SIMSCAPE多体提供基本的接触建模构造,但是有很多使用它们的方法。

Solver Parameters

这computed normal contact forces are continuous functions of penetration depth and penetration velocity.SIMSCAPE多体当深度小于小于过渡区域宽度。增加过渡区域宽度降低了接触力的清晰度,使系统更容易使求解器前进,但可以允许更多的穿透力。减少过渡区域宽度gives the contact forces a sharper profile, closer to idealized rigid-body contact. However, decreasing the过渡区域宽度也可能降低求解器性能。


Explicit solvers, such asode45,,,,are usually better for systems with many rapid collisions or contact changes. Implicit solvers may struggle under such circumstances. If the contact changes are infrequent and more stable, implicit solvers may offer a speed advantage due to their ability to handle the stiffness introduced by the contact forces.


这separation distance between two solid blocks is positive when the two geometries are not in contact, zero when they are touching, and negative when there is nontrivial penetration between the geometries. When the separation distance is negative, its magnitude is also known as the穿透深度。穿透深度是几何位置和方向的连续函数。




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