
Peak Analysis


Finding Maxima or Peaks

The Zurich sunspot relative number measures both the number and size of sunspots. Use thefindpeaks.function to find the locations and the value of the peaks.

加载sunspot.dat年=太阳黑子(:,1);Relnums = Sunspot(:,2);findpeaks(Relnums,年)Xlabel(“年”)ylabel('Sunspot Number') 标题('找到所有山峰')

图包含轴对象。The axes object with title Find All Peaks contains 2 objects of type line.

The above plot shows sunspot numbers tabulated over 300 years and labels the detected peaks. The next section shows how to measure distance between these peaks.

Measuring Distance Between Peaks

Peaks in the signal seem to appear at regular intervals. However, some of the peaks are very close to each other. TheMINPEAKPROMINENCE.可以使用Property滤除这些峰值。考虑在遇到更大的值之前将两侧下降至少40个相对太阳黑子数字的峰值。

findpeaks(Relnums,年,'minpeakprominence',40)xlabel(“年”)ylabel('Sunspot Number') 标题('找到突出的山峰')


The following histogram shows the distribution of peak intervals in years:

数字[pks, locs] = findpeaks(relNums,year,'minpeakprominence',40);Peakinterval = Diff(LOC);直方图(Peakinterval)网格Xlabel('Year Intervals')ylabel('发生频率') 标题('峰值间隔的直方图(年)')


AverageageAstance_Peaks =均值(Diff(LOC))
AverageDistance_Peaks = 10.9600



You may want to consider flat peaks as peaks or exclude them. In the latter case, a minimum excursion which is defined as the amplitude difference between a peak and its immediate neighbors is specified using the临界点property.

加载Clippeaks.mat.数字% Show all peaks in the first plot斧头(1)=子图(2,1,1);findpeaks(sermateddata)xlabel('Samples')ylabel('振幅') 标题('Detecting Saturated Peaks')%在第二个绘图中指定最小偏移斧头(2)=子图(2,1,2);findpeaks(sermateddata,'临界点',5) xlabel('Samples')ylabel('振幅') 标题('过滤饱和峰')% link and zoom in to show the changeslinkaxes(ax(1:2),'xy')轴(AX,[50 70 0 250])


The first subplot shows, that in case of a flat peak, the rising edge is detected as the peak. The second subplot shows that specifying a threshold can help to reject flat peaks.



加载noisyecg.matt = 1:长度(noisyecg_withtrend);图绘图(t,noisyecg_withtrend)标题(“带有趋势的信号”)Xlabel('Samples'); ylabel('电压(MV)') legend('嘈杂的心电图信号') 网格




[p,s,mu] = polyfit((1:numel(noisyecg_withtrend)',noisyecg_withtrend,6);f_y = polyval(p,(1:numel(noisyecg_withtrend))',[],mu);ECG_DATA = NOISYECG_WITHTREND  -  F_Y;% Detrend data数字plot(t,ECG_data) gridax = axis; axis([ax(1:2) -1.2 1.2]) title('贬低了ECG信号')Xlabel('Samples')ylabel('电压(MV)') legend('贬低了ECG信号')

图包含轴对象。The axes object with title Detrended ECG Signal contains an object of type line. This object represents Detrended ECG Signal.

After detrending, find the QRS complex, which is the most prominent repeating peak in the ECG signal. The QRS complex corresponds to the depolarization of the right and left ventricles of the human heart. It can be used to determine a patient's cardiac rate or predict abnormalities in heart function. The following figure shows the shape of the QRS complex in an ECG signal.

Thresholding to Find Peaks of Interest

QRS复合体由三个主要组件组成:Q wave, R wave, S wave. The R waves can be detected by thresholding peaks above 0.5 mV. Notice that the R waves are separated by more than 200 samples. Use this information to remove unwanted peaks by specifying a 'MinPeakDistance'.

[〜,locs_rwave] = findpeaks(ECG_DATA,'MinPeakHeight',0.5,...'minpeakdistance',200);



Local minima can be detected by finding peaks on an inverted version of the original signal.

ECG_inverted = -ECG_data; [~,locs_Swave] = findpeaks(ECG_inverted,'MinPeakHeight',0.5,...'minpeakdistance',200);

The following plot shows the R waves and S waves detected in the signal.

图持有plot(t,ECG_data) plot(locs_Rwave,ECG_data(locs_Rwave),'rv','markerfacecolor','r') plot(locs_Swave,ECG_data(locs_Swave),'rs','markerfacecolor','b')轴([0 1850 -1.1 1.1])网格传奇('ECG信号','R waves',波浪“)Xlabel('Samples')ylabel('电压(MV)') 标题('R wave and S wave in Noisy ECG Signal')

图包含轴对象。The axes object with title R wave and S wave in Noisy ECG Signal contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent ECG Signal, R waves, S waves.


smoothECG = sgolayfilt(ECG_data,7,21); figure plot(t,ECG_data,'b',t,smoothECG,'r') 网格紧的Xlabel('Samples')ylabel('电压(MV)') legend('嘈杂的心电图信号','过滤信号') 标题('过滤嘈杂的心电图信号')



[〜,min_locs] = findpeaks(-smoothecg,'minpeakdistance',40);%峰值在-0.2mV和-0.5mv之间locs_Qwave = min_locs(smoothECG(min_locs)>-0.5 & smoothECG(min_locs)<-0.2); figure holdplot(t,smoothECG); plot(locs_Qwave,smoothECG(locs_Qwave),'rs','markerfacecolor','G') plot(locs_Rwave,smoothECG(locs_Rwave),'rv','markerfacecolor','r')plot(locs_swave,shockecg(locs_swave),'rs','markerfacecolor','b') 网格标题('信号的阈值峰值')Xlabel('Samples')ylabel('电压(MV)')轴=轴;轴([0 1850 -1.1 1.1])传奇('Smooth ECG signal','Q wave','R wave',浪潮')

图包含轴对象。The axes object with title Thresholding Peaks in Signal contains 4 objects of type line. These objects represent Smooth ECG signal, Q wave, R wave, S wave.

The above figure shows that the QRS complex successfully detected in the noisy ECG signal.



极值的%值[val_qwave,val_rwave,val_swave] =交易(Shockcg(locs_qwave),shockecg(locs_rwave),shockecg(locs_swave));MeanError_qwave =均值((noisyecg_withtrend(locs_qwave) -  val_qwave))
MeanError_rwave =均值((noisyecg_withtrend(locs_rwave) -  val_rwave))
MeanError_rwave = 0.3476
MeanError_swave =均值((noisyecg_withtrend(locs_swave) -  val_swave))
MeanError_swave = 0.1844



Some important peak properties involve rise time, fall time, rise level, and fall level. These properties are computed for each of the QRS complexes in the ECG signal. The average values for these properties are displayed on the figure below.

avg_riseTime = mean(locs_Rwave-locs_Qwave);%平均上升时间avg_falltime =均值(locs_swave-locs_rwave);% Average Fall timeavg_riselevel =均值(val_rwave-val_qwave);%平均上升水平avg_fallLevel = mean(val_Rwave-val_Swave);%平均下降水平Helperpeakanalissplot(T,Smoothecg,...locs_qwave,locs_rwave,locs_swave,...val_Qwave,val_Rwave,val_Swave,...avg_risetime,avg_falltime,...avg_riselevel,avg_falllevel)


See Also