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Set external inputs for a simulation throughSimulationInputobject,in



in = in.setExternalInput([t, u1,..uN])allows you to directly specify numerical arrays as inputs to a model if a model has root inports.

in = in.setExternalInput(ds)allows you to directly specify dataset objects as external inputs to a model if a model has root inports.

in = in.setExternalInput(ts)allows you to directly specify timeseries object as external input if a model has a single root inport.


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This example shows how to set numerical arrays as external inputs.

Open the model


创建一个SimulationInputobject for this model.

in = Simulink.SimulationInput('sldemo_mdlref_counter');

Prepare external inputs.

t = (0:0.01:10)'; u1 = 5*ones(size(t)); u2 = 10*sin(t); u3 = -5*ones(size(t));

Set external inputs to the model.

in = in.setExternalInput([t, u1, u2, u3]);

Simulate the model.

out = sim(in);

Input Arguments

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Numerical array to be used as an external input.

Dataset object to be used as an external input

Time series to be used as an external input

Introduced in R2017a