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Regularize Logistic Regression

This example shows how to regularize binomial regression. The default (canonical) link function for binomial regression is the logistic function.


Load theionospheredata. The responseYis a cell array of'g'or'b'characters. Convert the cells to logical values, withtruerepresenting'g'. Remove the first two columns ofXbecause they have some awkward statistical properties, which are beyond the scope of this discussion.

loadionosphereYbool = strcmp(Y,'g'); X = X(:,3:end);

Step 2. Create a cross-validated fit.

Construct a regularized binomial regression using 25Lambdavalues and 10-fold cross validation. This process can take a few minutes.

rng('default')% for reproducibility[B,FitInfo] = lassoglm(X,Ybool,'binomial',...'NumLambda',25,'CV',10);

Step 3. Examine plots to find appropriate regularization.

lassoPlotcan give both a standard trace plot and a cross-validated deviance plot. Examine both plots.

lassoPlot(B,FitInfo,'PlotType','CV'); legend('show','Location','best')% show legend

The plot identifies the minimum-deviance point with a green circle and dashed line as a function of the regularization parameterLambda. The blue circled point has minimum deviance plus no more than one standard deviation.


The trace plot shows nonzero model coefficients as a function of the regularization parameterLambda. Because there are 32 predictors and a linear model, there are 32 curves. AsLambdaincreases to the left,lassoglmsets various coefficients to zero, removing them from the model.

The trace plot is somewhat compressed. Zoom in to see more detail.

xlim([.01 .1]) ylim([-3 3])

AsLambdaincreases toward the left side of the plot, fewer nonzero coefficients remain.

Find the number of nonzero model coefficients at theLambdavalue with minimum deviance plus one standard deviation point. The regularized model coefficients are in columnFitInfo.Index1SEof theBmatrix.

indx = FitInfo.Index1SE; B0 = B(:,indx); nonzeros = sum(B0 ~= 0)
nonzeros = 14

When you setLambdatoFitInfo.Index1SE,lassoglmremoves over half of the 32 original predictors.

Step 4. Create a regularized model.

The constant term is in theFitInfo.Index1SEentry of theFitInfo.Interceptvector. Call that valuecnst.

The model is logit(mu) = log(mu/(1 - mu)) =X*B0 + cnst. Therefore, for predictions, mu =exp(X*B0 + cnst)/(1+exp(x*B0 + cnst)).

Theglmvalfunction evaluates model predictions. It assumes that the first model coefficient relates to the constant term. Therefore, create a coefficient vector with the constant term first.

cnst = FitInfo.Intercept (indx);B1 = [cnst; B0];

Step 5. Examine residuals.

Plot the training data against the model predictions for the regularizedlassoglmmodel.

仅仅=glmval(B1,X,'logit'); histogram(Ybool - preds)% plot residualstitle('Residuals from lassoglm model')

Step 6. Alternative: Use identified predictors in a least-squares generalized linear model.

Instead of using the biased predictions from the model, you can make an unbiased model using just the identified predictors.

predictors = find(B0);% indices of nonzero predictorsmdl = fitglm(X,Ybool,'linear',...'Distribution','binomial',“PredictorVars”,predictors)
mdl = Generalized linear regression model: y ~ [Linear formula with 15 terms in 14 predictors] Distribution = Binomial Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue _________ _______ ________ __________ (Intercept) -2.9367 0.50926 -5.7666 8.0893e-09 x1 2.492 0.60795 4.099 4.1502e-05 x3 2.5501 0.63304 4.0284 5.616e-05 x4 0.48816 0.50336 0.9698 0.33215 x5 0.6158 0.62192 0.99015 0.3221 x6 2.294 0.5421 4.2317 2.3198e-05 x7 0.77842 0.57765 1.3476 0.1778 x12 1.7808 0.54316 3.2786 0.0010432 x16 -0.070993 0.50515 -0.14054 0.88823 x20 -2.7767 0.55131 -5.0365 4.7402e-07 x24 2.0212 0.57639 3.5067 0.00045372 x25 -2.3796 0.58274 -4.0835 4.4363e-05 x27 0.79564 0.55904 1.4232 0.15467 x29 1.2689 0.55468 2.2876 0.022162 x32 -1.5681 0.54336 -2.8859 0.0039035 351 observations, 336 error degrees of freedom Dispersion: 1 Chi^2-statistic vs. constant model: 262, p-value = 1e-47

Plot the residuals of the model.


As expected, residuals from the least-squares model are slightly smaller than those of the regularized model. However, this does not mean thatmdlis a better predictor for new data.