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Measure Temperature From I2C Device on Arduino® Hardware

This example shows how to use the MATLAB® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware and the I2C interface to communicate with I2C devices.

Overview of TMP102 temperature sensor

This example uses TMP102, a two-wire serial output digital sensor, which can read temperature up to a resolution of 0.0625 degree in Celsius. You can also read data from the device in Extended mode with higher measurement limit.

Hardware setup

1) Connect the SDA, SCL, GND and VCC pins of the sensor to the corresponding pins on Arduino hardware. This examples connects SDA and SCL pins to A4 and A5 on Arduino Uno board. If you are using a different board, check the correct pins before connection.

2) Securely connect the power line of the I2C sensor.

Create an I2C device object

1) Create an arduino object and include the I2C library.

a = arduino('COM9','Uno','Libraries','I2C');
Updating server code on board Uno (COM9). This may take a few minutes.

2) Scan for available I2C addresses.

addrs = scanI2CBus(a)
addrs =1×1 cell array{'0x48'}

注意温度传感器的地址。你所愿ll use it to create the I2C device object.

3) Create the I2C device object

tmp102 = device(a,'I2CAddress',0x48)
tmp102 =设备属性:Interface: 'I2C' I2CAddress: 72 ('0x48') Bus: 0 SCLPin: 'A5' SDAPin: 'A4' BitRate: 100000 (bits/s) Show functions

The bus defaults to0. If you are using the dedicated I2C interfaces(SDA1, SCL1) on Due board, for example, make sure to set bus to1.

Read temperature value

The sensor's temperature reading is digitized into 12 bits in Normal mode with 8 bits in MSB and 4 bits in LSB. Each LSB equals 0.0625 degrees in Celsius. Write the register address to read from first and then read two bytes of data from it. Useuint8data type.

write(tmp102, 0x0,'uint8'); data = read(tmp102, 2,'uint8'); temperature = (double(bitshift(int16(data(1)), 4)) + double(bitshift(int16(data(2)), -4))) * 0.0625
temperature = 26.6250

Read temperature with higher measurement limit

With the TMP102 sensor's extended mode, you can measure temperature above 128 degrees by using 13 bits. To do so, you need to write value 'B060' in hex to configuration register at address 1.

writeRegister(tmp102, 1, 0xB060,'uint16');

Read the temperature from the register to get a more precise result. The TMP102's conversion rate defaults to 4Hz. Hence, pause MATLAB for about 0.25s before each reading.

write(tmp102, 0x0,'uint8'); pause(0.25); data = read(tmp102, 2,'uint8'); temperature = (double(bitshift(int16(data(1)), 5)) + double(bitshift(int16(data(2)), -3))) * 0.0625
temperature = 26.6250

To change back the default configuration, type

writeRegister(tmp102, 1, 0xA060,'uint16');


Once the connection is no longer needed, clear the associated object.
