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System Composermodel


AModelobject is used to manage architecture objects in a System Composer™ model.


Create a model using thecreateModelfunction.

objModel = systemcomposer.createModel('NewModel')


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Name of model, specified as a character vector. This property must be a valid MATLAB®identifier.


Data Types:char

Root architecture of model, specified as asystemcomposer.arch.Architectureobject.

金宝app®handle, specified as adouble.

This property is necessary for several Simulink related work lows and for usingRequirements Toolbox™programmatic interfaces.

Example:handle = get(object,'SimulinkHandle')

Data Types:double

Profiles attached to the model, specified as an array ofsystemcomposer.profile.Profileobjects.

Dictionary object that holds interfaces, specified as asystemcomposer.interface.Dictionaryobject. If the model is not linked to an external dictionary, this property is a handle to the implicit dictionary.

Views, specified as an array ofsystemcomposer.view.Viewobjects.

Example:objView = get(objModel,'Views')

Object Functions

open Open architecture model
close Close architecture model
save Save architecture model or data dictionary
find Find architecture model elements using query
lookup Search for architectural element
openViews Open Architecture Views Gallery
createView Create architecture view
getView Find architecture view
deleteView Delete architecture view
applyProfile Apply profile to model
removeProfile Remove profile from model
saveToDictionary Save interfaces to dictionary
linkDictionary Link data dictionary to architecture model
unlinkDictionary Unlink data dictionary from architecture model
renameProfile Rename profile in model
iterate Iterate over model elements


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Build an architecture model programmatically using System Composer™.

Build Model

To build a model, add a data dictionary with data interfaces, data elements, a value type, and a physical interface, then add components, ports, and connections. Create a profile with stereotypes and properties and then apply those stereotypes to model elements. Assign an owned interface to a port. After the model is built, you can create custom views to focus on specific considerations. You can also query the model to collect different model elements according to criteria you specify.

Add Components, Ports, Connections, and Interfaces

Create a model and extract its architecture.

model = systemcomposer.createModel("mobileRobotAPI");arch = model.Architecture;

Create an interface data dictionary and add a data interface. Add a data element to the data interface. Add a value type to the interface data dictionary. Assign the type of the data element to the value type. Add a physical interface and physical element with a physical domain type. Link the data dictionary to the model.

dictionary = systemcomposer.createDictionary("SensorInterfaces.sldd");interface = dictionary.addInterface("GPSInterface");element = interface.addElement("SignalStrength");valueType = dictionary.addValueType("SignalStrengthType",Units="dB",Description="GPS Signal Strength");element.setType(valueType); physicalInterface = dictionary.addPhysicalInterface("PhysicalInterface");physicalElement = addElement(physicalInterface,"ElectricalElement",Type="electrical.electrical");linkDictionary(model,"SensorInterfaces.sldd");

Save the changes to the interface data dictionary.

Save the model.

Open the model.


View the interfaces in the Interface Editor.


Add components, ports, and connections. Set the physical interface to the physical ports, which you will connect later.

componentSensor = addComponent(arch,"Sensor");sensorPorts = addPort(componentSensor.Architecture,{'MotionData','SensorPower'},{'in','physical'}); sensorPorts(2).setInterface(physicalInterface) componentPlanning = addComponent(arch,"Planning");planningPorts = addPort(componentPlanning.Architecture,{'Command','SensorPower1','MotionCommand'},{'in','physical','out'}); planningPorts(2).setInterface(physicalInterface) componentMotion = addComponent(arch,"Motion");motionPorts = addPort(componentMotion.Architecture,{'MotionCommand','MotionData'},{'in','out'});

Create an owned interface on the'MotionData'port. Add an owned data element under the owned data interface. Assign the data element "Rotation"to a value type with units set todegrees.

ownedInterface = motionPorts(2).createInterface("DataInterface");ownedElement = ownedInterface.addElement("Rotation");subInterface = ownedElement.createOwnedType(Units="degrees");

View the interfaces in the Interface Editor. Select the'MotionData'port on theMotioncomponent. In the Interface Editor, switch fromDictionary ViewtoPort Interface View.


Connect components with an interface rule and the default name rule. The interface rule connects ports on components that share the same interface. By default, the name rule connects ports on components that share the same name.

c_sensorData = connect(arch,componentSensor,componentPlanning,Rule="interface");c_motionData =连接(拱门,componentMotion, componentSensor); c_motionCommand = connect(arch,componentPlanning,componentMotion);

Add and Connect Architecture Port

Add an architecture port on the architecture.

archPort = addPort(arch,"Command","in");

Theconnectcommand requires a component port as an argument. Obtain the component port, then connect.

compPort = getPort(componentPlanning,"Command");c_Command = connect(archPort,compPort);

Save the model.

Arrange the layout by pressıngCtrl+Shift+Aor using this command.



Create and Apply Profile with Stereotypes

Profiles are XML files that can be applied to any model. You can add stereotypes with properties to profiles and then populate the properties with specific values. Along with the built-in analysis capabilities of System Composer, stereotypes help you optimize your system for performance, cost, and reliability.

Create Profile and Add Stereotypes

Create a profile.

profile = systemcomposer.createProfile("GeneralProfile");

Create a stereotype that applies to all element types.

elemSType = addStereotype(profile,"projectElement");

Create stereotypes for different types of components. You can select these types are based on your design needs.

pCompSType = addStereotype(profile,“physicalComponent”,AppliesTo="Component");sCompSType = addStereotype(profile,"softwareComponent",AppliesTo="Component");

Create a stereotype for connections.

sConnSType = addStereotype(profile,"standardConn",AppliesTo="Connector");

Add Properties

Add properties to the stereotypes. You can use properties to capture metadata for model elements and analyze nonfunctional requirements. These properties are added to all elements to which the stereotype is applied, in any model that imports the profile.


Save Profile;

Apply Profile to Model

Apply the profile to the model.


Apply stereotypes to components. Some components are physical components, while others are software components.

applyStereotype(componentPlanning,"GeneralProfile.softwareComponent") applyStereotype(componentSensor,"GeneralProfile.physicalComponent") applyStereotype(componentMotion,"GeneralProfile.physicalComponent")

Apply the connector stereotype to all connections.


Apply the general element stereotype to all connectors and ports.


Set properties for each component.

setProperty(componentSensor,'GeneralProfile.projectElement.ID','001');setProperty(componentSensor,'GeneralProfile.projectElement.Description','''Central unit for all sensors''');setProperty(componentSensor,'GeneralProfile.physicalComponent.Cost','200');setProperty(componentSensor,'GeneralProfile.physicalComponent.Weight','450');setProperty(componentPlanning,'GeneralProfile.projectElement.ID','002');setProperty(componentPlanning,'GeneralProfile.projectElement.Description','''Planning computer''');setProperty(componentPlanning,'GeneralProfile.softwareComponent.develCost','20000');setProperty(componentPlanning,'GeneralProfile.softwareComponent.develTime','300');setProperty(componentMotion,'GeneralProfile.projectElement.ID','003');setProperty(componentMotion,'GeneralProfile.projectElement.Description','''Motor and motor controller''');setProperty(componentMotion,'GeneralProfile.physicalComponent.Cost','4500');setProperty(componentMotion,'GeneralProfile.physicalComponent.Weight','2500');

Set the properties of connections to be identical.

connections = [c_sensorData c_motionData c_motionCommand c_Command];fork = 1:length(connections) setProperty(connections(k),“GeneralProfile.standardConn.unitCost','0.2');setProperty(connections(k),“GeneralProfile.standardConn.unitWeight','100');setProperty(connections(k),“GeneralProfile.standardConn.length','0.3');end

Add Hierarchy

Add two components namedControllerandScopeinside theMotioncomponent. Define the ports. Connect the components to the architecture and to each other, applying a connector stereotype. Hierarchy in an architecture diagram creates an additional level of detail that specifies how components behave internally.

motionArch = componentMotion.Architecture; motionController = motionArch.addComponent('Controller');controllerPorts = addPort(motionController.Architecture,{'controlIn','controlOut'},{'in','out'}); controllerCompPortIn = motionController.getPort('controlIn');controllerCompPortOut = motionController.getPort('controlOut');motionScope = motionArch.addComponent('Scope');scopePorts = addPort(motionScope.Architecture,{'scopeIn','scopeOut'},{'in','out'}); scopeCompPortIn = motionScope.getPort('scopeIn');scopeCompPortOut = motionScope.getPort('scopeOut');c_planningController = connect(motionPorts(1),controllerCompPortIn);

For outport connections, the data element must be specified.

c_planningScope = connect(scopeCompPortOut,motionPorts(2),'DestinationElement',"Rotation");c_planningConnect = connect(controllerCompPortOut,scopeCompPortIn,“GeneralProfile.standardConn');

Save the model.

Arrange the layout by pressıngCtrl+Shift+Aor using this command.



Create Model Reference

Model references can help you organize large models hierarchically and define architectures or behaviors once that you can then reuse. When a component references another model, any existing ports on the component are removed, and ports that exist on the referenced model will appear on the component.

Create a new System Composer model. Convert theControllercomponent into a reference component to reference the new model. To add additional ports on theControllercomponent, you must update the referenced model"mobileMotion".

referenceModel = systemcomposer.createModel("mobileMotion");referenceArch = referenceModel.Architecture; newComponents = addComponent(referenceArch,"Gyroscope"); linkToModel(motionController,"mobileMotion");

Save the models.

Make Variant Component

You can convert thePlanningcomponent to a variant component using themakeVariantfunction. The original component is embedded within a variant component as one of the available variant choices. You can design other variant choices within the variant component and toggle the active choice. Variant components allow you to choose behavioral designs programmatically in an architecture model to perform trade studies and analysis.

[variantComp,choice1] = makeVariant(componentMotion);

Add an additional variant choice named MotionAlt. The second argument defines the name, and the third argument defines the label. The label identifies the choice. The active choice is controlled by the label.

choice2 = addChoice(variantComp,{'MotionAlt'},{'MotionAlt'});

Create the necessary ports on MotionAlt.

motionAltPorts = addPort(choice2.Architecture,{'MotionCommand','MotionData'},{'in','out'});

Make MotionAltthe active variant.


Arrange the layout by pressıngCtrl+Shift+Aor using this command.


Save the model.

Clean Up

Run this script to remove generated artifacts before you run this example again.


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Introduced in R2019a