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Compute deep learning network output for training

Since R2019b


Some deep learning layers behave differently during training and inference (prediction). For example, during training, dropout layers randomly set input elements to zero to help prevent overfitting, but during inference, dropout layers do not change the input.

To compute network outputs for training, use theforwardfunction. To compute network outputs for inference, use thepredictfunction.


Y= forward(net,X)returns the network outputYduring training given the input dataX.

Y= forward(net,X1,...,XM)returns the network outputYduring training given theMinputsX1, ...,XMand the networknetthat hasMinputs and a single output.

(日元…向前,YN) = (___)returns theNoutputsY1, …,YNduring training for networks that haveNoutputs using any of the previous syntaxes.

(日元…,YK] = forward(___,'Outputs',layerNames)returns the outputsY1, …,YKduring training for the specified layers using any of the previous syntaxes.

[___] = forward(___,'Acceleration',acceleration)also specifies performance optimization to use during training, in addition to the input arguments in previous syntaxes.

[___,state] = forward(___)also returns the updated network state.

[___,state,pruningActivations] = forward(___)also returns a cell array of activations of the pruning layers. This syntax is applicable only ifnet是一个TaylorPrunableNetworkobject.

To prune a deep neural network, you require theDeep Learning Toolbox™ Model Quantization Librarysupport package. This support package is a free add-on that you can download using the Add-On Explorer. Alternatively, seeDeep Learning ToolboxModel Quantization Library.


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This example shows how to train a network that classifies handwritten digits with a custom learning rate schedule.

You can train most types of neural networks using thetrainNetworkandtrainingOptionsfunctions. If thetrainingOptionsfunction does not provide the options you need (for example, a custom learning rate schedule), then you can define your own custom training loop usingdlarrayanddlnetworkobjects for automatic differentiation. For an example showing how to retrain a pretrained deep learning network using thetrainNetworkfunction, seeTransfer Learning Using Pretrained Network.

Training a deep neural network is an optimization task. By considering a neural network as a function f ( X ; θ ) , where X is the network input, and θ is the set of learnable parameters, you can optimize θ so that it minimizes some loss value based on the training data. For example, optimize the learnable parameters θ such that for a given inputs X with a corresponding targets T , they minimize the error between the predictions Y = f ( X ; θ ) and T .

取决于使用的损失函数类型的任务. For example:

  • For classification tasks, you can minimize the cross entropy error between the predictions and targets.

  • For regression tasks, you can minimize the mean squared error between the predictions and targets.

You can optimize the objective using gradient descent: minimize the loss L by iteratively updating the learnable parameters θ 通过步骤使用毕业生的最低ients of the loss with respect to the learnable parameters. Gradient descent algorithms typically update the learnable parameters by using a variant of an update step of the form θ t + 1 = θ t - ρ L , where t is the iteration number, ρ is the learning rate, and L denotes the gradients (the derivatives of the loss with respect to the learnable parameters).

This example trains a network to classify handwritten digits with thetime-based decaylearning rate schedule: for each iteration, the solver uses the learning rate given by ρ t = ρ 0 1 + k t , wheretis the iteration number, ρ 0 is the initial learning rate, andkis the decay.

Load Training Data

Load the digits data as an image datastore using theimageDatastorefunction and specify the folder containing the image data.

dataFolder = fullfile(toolboxdir("nnet"),"nndemos","nndatasets","DigitDataset"); imds = imageDatastore(dataFolder,...IncludeSubfolders=true,....LabelSource="foldernames");

Partition the data into training and validation sets. Set aside 10% of the data for validation using thesplitEachLabelfunction.

[imdsTrain,imdsValidation] = splitEachLabel(imds,0.9,"randomize");

The network used in this example requires input images of size 28-by-28-by-1. To automatically resize the training images, use an augmented image datastore. Specify additional augmentation operations to perform on the training images: randomly translate the images up to 5 pixels in the horizontal and vertical axes. Data augmentation helps prevent the network from overfitting and memorizing the exact details of the training images.

inputSize = [28 28 1]; pixelRange = [-5 5]; imageAugmenter = imageDataAugmenter(...RandXTranslation=pixelRange,...RandYTranslation=pixelRange); augimdsTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsTrain,DataAugmentation=imageAugmenter);

To automatically resize the validation images without performing further data augmentation, use an augmented image datastore without specifying any additional preprocessing operations.

augimdsValidation = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsValidation);

Determine the number of classes in the training data.

classes = categories(imdsTrain.Labels); numClasses = numel(classes);

Define Network

Define the network for image classification.

  • For image input, specify an image input layer with input size matching the training data.

  • Do not normalize the image input, set theNormalizationoption of the input layer to"none".

  • Specify three convolution-batchnorm-ReLU blocks.

  • Pad the input to the convolution layers such that the output has the same size by setting thePaddingoption to"same".

  • For the first convolution layer specify 20 filters of size 5. For the remaining convolution layers specify 20 filters of size 3.

  • For classification, specify a fully connected layer with size matching the number of classes

  • To map the output to probabilities, include a softmax layer.

When training a network using a custom training loop, do not include an output layer.

layers = [ imageInputLayer(inputSize,Normalization="none") convolution2dLayer(5,20,Padding="same") batchNormalizationLayer reluLayer convolution2dLayer(3,20,Padding="same") batchNormalizationLayer reluLayer convolution2dLayer(3,20,Padding="same") batchNormalizationLayer reluLayer fullyConnectedLayer(numClasses) softmaxLayer];

Create adlnetworkobject from the layer array.

net = dlnetwork(layers)
net = dlnetwork with properties: Layers: [12×1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer] Connections: [11×2 table] Learnables: [14×3 table] State: [6×3 table] InputNames: {'imageinput'} OutputNames: {'softmax'} Initialized: 1 View summary with summary.

Define Model Loss Function

Training a deep neural network is an optimization task. By considering a neural network as a function f ( X ; θ ) , where X is the network input, and θ is the set of learnable parameters, you can optimize θ so that it minimizes some loss value based on the training data. For example, optimize the learnable parameters θ such that for a given inputs X with a corresponding targets T , they minimize the error between the predictions Y = f ( X ; θ ) and T .

Create the functionmodelLoss, listed in theModel Loss Functionsection of the example, that takes as input thedlnetworkobject, a mini-batch of input data with corresponding targets, and returns the loss, the gradients of the loss with respect to the learnable parameters, and the network state.

Specify Training Options

Train for ten epochs with a mini-batch size of 128.

numEpochs = 10; miniBatchSize = 128;

Specify the options for SGDM optimization. Specify an initial learn rate of 0.01 with a decay of 0.01, and momentum 0.9.

initialLearnRate = 0.01; decay = 0.01; momentum = 0.9;

Train Model

Create aminibatchqueueobject that processes and manages mini-batches of images during training. For each mini-batch:

  • Use the custom mini-batch preprocessing functionpreprocessMiniBatch(defined at the end of this example) to convert the labels to one-hot encoded variables.

  • Format the image data with the dimension labels"SSCB"(spatial, spatial, channel, batch). By default, theminibatchqueueobject converts the data todlarrayobjects with underlying typesingle. Do not format the class labels.

  • Train on a GPU if one is available. By default, theminibatchqueueobject converts each output to agpuArray如果availabl GPUe. Using a GPU requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™ and a supported GPU device. For information on supported devices, seeGPU Computing Requirements(Parallel Computing Toolbox).

mbq = minibatchqueue(augimdsTrain,...MiniBatchSize=miniBatchSize,...MiniBatchFcn=@preprocessMiniBatch,...MiniBatchFormat=["SSCB"""]);

Initialize the velocity parameter for the SGDM solver.

velocity = [];

Calculate the total number of iterations for the training progress monitor.

numObservationsTrain = numel(imdsTrain.Files); numIterationsPerEpoch = ceil(numObservationsTrain / miniBatchSize); numIterations = numEpochs * numIterationsPerEpoch;

Initialize theTrainingProgressMonitorobject. Because the timer starts when you create the monitor object, make sure that you create the object close to the training loop.

monitor = trainingProgressMonitor(Metrics="Loss",Info=["Epoch","LearnRate"],XLabel="Iteration");

Train the network using a custom training loop. For each epoch, shuffle the data and loop over mini-batches of data. For each mini-batch:

  • Evaluate the model loss, gradients, and state using thedlfevalandmodelLossfunctions and update the network state.

  • Determine the learning rate for the time-based decay learning rate schedule.

  • 更新网络parameters using thesgdmupdatefunction.

  • Update the loss, learn rate, and epoch values in the training progress monitor.

  • Stop if the Stop property is true. The Stop property value of theTrainingProgressMonitorobject changes to true when you click the Stop button.

epoch = 0; iteration = 0;% Loop over epochs.whileepoch < numEpochs && ~monitor.Stop epoch = epoch + 1;% Shuffle data.shuffle(mbq);% Loop over mini-batches.whilehasdata(mbq) && ~monitor.Stop iteration = iteration + 1;% Read mini-batch of data.[X,T] = next(mbq);% Evaluate the model gradients, state, and loss using dlfeval and the% modelLoss function and update the network state.[loss,gradients,state] = dlfeval(@modelLoss,net,X,T); net.State = state;% Determine learning rate for time-based decay learning rate schedule.learnRate = initialLearnRate/(1 + decay*iteration);% Update the network parameters using the SGDM optimizer.[net,velocity] = sgdmupdate(net,gradients,velocity,learnRate,momentum);% Update the training progress monitor.recordMetrics(monitor,iteration,Loss=loss); updateInfo(monitor,Epoch=epoch,LearnRate=learnRate); monitor.Progress = 100 * iteration/numIterations;endend

Test Model

Test the classification accuracy of the model by comparing the predictions on the validation set with the true labels.

After training, making predictions on new data does not require the labels. Createminibatchqueueobject containing only the predictors of the test data:

  • To ignore the labels for testing, set the number of outputs of the mini-batch queue to 1.

  • Specify the same mini-batch size used for training.

  • Preprocess the predictors using thepreprocessMiniBatchPredictorsfunction, listed at the end of the example.

  • For the single output of the datastore, specify the mini-batch format"SSCB"(spatial, spatial, channel, batch).

numOutputs = 1; mbqTest = minibatchqueue(augimdsValidation,numOutputs,...MiniBatchSize=miniBatchSize,...MiniBatchFcn=@preprocessMiniBatchPredictors,...MiniBatchFormat="SSCB");

Loop over the mini-batches and classify the images usingmodelPredictionsfunction, listed at the end of the example.

YTest = modelPredictions(net,mbqTest,classes);

Evaluate the classification accuracy.

TTest = imdsValidation.Labels; accuracy = mean(TTest == YTest)
accuracy = 0.9750

Visualize the predictions in a confusion chart.

figure confusionchart(TTest,YTest)

Large values on the diagonal indicate accurate predictions for the corresponding class. Large values on the off-diagonal indicate strong confusion between the corresponding classes.

Supporting Functions

Model Loss Function

ThemodelLossfunction takes adlnetworkobjectnet, a mini-batch of input dataXwith corresponding targetsTand returns the loss, the gradients of the loss with respect to the learnable parameters innet, and the network state. To compute the gradients automatically, use thedlgradientfunction.

function[loss,gradients,state] = modelLoss(net,X,T)% Forward data through network.[Y,state] = forward(net,X);% Calculate cross-entropy loss.loss = crossentropy(Y,T);% Calculate gradients of loss with respect to learnable parameters.gradients = dlgradient(loss,net.Learnables);end

Model Predictions Function

ThemodelPredictionsfunction takes adlnetworkobjectnet, aminibatchqueueof input datambq, and the network classes, and computes the model predictions by iterating over all data in theminibatchqueueobject. The function uses theonehotdecodefunction to find the predicted class with the highest score.

functionY = modelPredictions(net,mbq,classes) Y = [];% Loop over mini-batches.whilehasdata(mbq) X = next(mbq);% Make prediction.scores = predict(net,X);% Decode labels and append to output.labels = onehotdecode(scores,classes,1)'; Y = [Y; labels];endend

Mini Batch Preprocessing Function

ThepreprocessMiniBatchfunction preprocesses a mini-batch of predictors and labels using the following steps:

  1. Preprocess the images using thepreprocessMiniBatchPredictorsfunction.

  2. Extract the label data from the incoming cell array and concatenate into a categorical array along the second dimension.

  3. One-hot encode the categorical labels into numeric arrays. Encoding into the first dimension produces an encoded array that matches the shape of the network output.

function[X,T] = preprocessMiniBatch(dataX,dataT)% Preprocess predictors.X = preprocessMiniBatchPredictors(dataX);% Extract label data from cell and concatenate.T = cat(2,dataT{1:end});% One-hot encode labels.T = onehotencode(T,1);end

Mini-Batch Predictors Preprocessing Function

ThepreprocessMiniBatchPredictorsfunction preprocesses a mini-batch of predictors by extracting the image data from the input cell array and concatenate into a numeric array. For grayscale input, concatenating over the fourth dimension adds a third dimension to each image, to use as a singleton channel dimension.

functionX = preprocessMiniBatchPredictors(dataX)% Concatenate.X = cat(4,dataX{1:end});end

Input Arguments

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This argument can represent either of these:

To prune a deep neural network, you require theDeep Learning Toolbox Model Quantization Librarysupport package. This support package is a free add-on that you can download using the Add-On Explorer. Alternatively, seeDeep Learning ToolboxModel Quantization Library.

Input data, specified as a formatteddlarray. For more information aboutdlarrayformats, see thefmtinput argument ofdlarray.

Layers to extract outputs from, specified as a string array or a cell array of character vectors containing the layer names.

  • IflayerNames(i)corresponds to a layer with a single output, thenlayerNames(i)is the name of the layer.

  • IflayerNames(i)corresponds to a layer with multiple outputs, thenlayerNames(i)is the layer name followed by the character "/" and the name of the layer output:'layerName/outputName'.

Performance optimization, specified as one of the following:

  • 'auto'— Automatically apply a number of optimizations suitable for the input network and hardware resources.

  • “没有”— Disable all acceleration.

The default option is'auto'.

Using the'auto'acceleration option can offer performance benefits, but at the expense of an increased initial run time. Subsequent calls with compatible parameters are faster. Use performance optimization when you plan to call the function multiple times using different input data with the same size and shape.

Output Arguments

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Output data, returned as a formatteddlarray. For more information aboutdlarrayformats, see thefmtinput argument ofdlarray.

Updated network state, returned as a table.

The network state is a table with three columns:

  • Layer– Layer name, specified as a string scalar.

  • Parameter– State parameter name, specified as a string scalar.

  • Value– Value of state parameter, specified as adlarrayobject.

Layer states contain information calculated during the layer operation to be retained for use in subsequent forward passes of the layer. For example, the cell state and hidden state of LSTM layers, or running statistics in batch normalization layers.

For recurrent layers, such as LSTM layers, with theHasStateInputsproperty set to1(true), the state table does not contain entries for the states of that layer.

Update the state of adlnetworkusing theStateproperty.

Cell array of activations of the pruning layers, if the input network is aTaylorPrunableNetworkobject.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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