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View class methods



methodsview(packagename.classname)displays information about the methods in the classclassname. If the class is in a package, includepackagename. Ifclassnameis a MATLAB®or Java®class,methodsviewlists only public methods, including those methods inherited from superclasses.

methodsviewcreates a window that displays the methods and information such as arguments, returned values, and superclasses. It also includes method qualifiers (for example,abstractorsynchronized) and possible exceptions thrown.

methodsview(object)displays information for the class ofobject.


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List information on all methods in thejava.awt.MenuItemclass. MATLAB displays this information in a new window.


Input Arguments

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Fully qualified class name, specified as a string or a character vector.

Object name, specified as a string or a character vector.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a