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Update微软幻灯片软件Presentation Content

Programmatically update content in an existing presentation

You can use the PPT API to programmatically add dynamic content to an existing PowerPoint®演示。首先,明白了Update Presentation Content Programmatically.


getMasterNames Get names of slide masters for presentation
getLayoutnames. 获取演示幻灯片大师的布局名称
getTableStyleNames 获取表格样式名称进行演示
find Search a presentation
add 将文本框,表格或图片添加到幻灯片
replace 替换幻灯片中的文本,表格或图片
find Search slide for content
add 将段落添加到内容占位符
replace Replace content placeholder or content
add Add paragraph to text box
replace Replace text box paragraphs
add Add content to text box placeholder
replace Replace text box placeholder content
replace Replace table placeholder with table
replace 用另一个表替换模板表
replace Replace picture placeholder with picture
replace Replace template picture with another picture
pptview OpenMicrosoft微软幻灯片软件presentation or convert it to PDF
rptview Display report or presentation


mlreportgen.ppt.pruseentation. 创建一个Microsoft微软幻灯片软件介绍容器
mlreportgen.ppt.Slide Presentation slide
mlreportgen.ppt.contentPlaceHolder. 幻灯片内容的占位符
mlreportgen.ppt.TextBoxPlaceholder Placeholder for slide title
mlreportgen.ppt.picture.Placeholder Placeholder for slide picture
mlreportgen.ppt.TablePlaceholder 幻灯片表的占位符
mlreportgen.ppt.TextBox Text box
mlreportgen.ppt.paragraph. Formatted block of text (paragraph)
mlreportgen.ppt.Text Text to include in a presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.ExternalLink Hyperlink to location outside of presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.InternalLink Hyperlink to a slide in a presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.picture. Picture to include in presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.TemplatePicture 从模板演示幻灯片图片
mlreportgen.ppt.Table Table in presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.TemplateTable Table from template presentation slide
mlreportgen.ppt.tablerow. Table row
mlreportgen.ppt.tableentry. Table entry
mlreportgen.ppt.ColSpec Formatting for table column
mlreportgen.ppt.ColWidth Table column width

Examples and How To
