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Field search forBloombergServer connection V3



d= fieldsearch(c,f)returns field information using thebloombergServerobjectcwith the Bloomberg®Server C++ interface and search termf.


collapse all

Create a Bloomberg connection, and then retrieve information for the last price field.

Connect to the Bloomberg Server using the IP address of the machine running the Bloomberg Server. This example uses the Bloomberg Server C++ interface and assumes the following:

  • The Bloomberg UUID is12345678.

  • The IP address for the machine running the Bloomberg Server is''.

cis abloombergServerobject.

uuid = 12345678; ipaddress =''; c = bloombergServer(uuid,ipaddress);

Return data as a table by setting theDataReturnFormatproperty of thebloombergServerobject. If you do not set this property, thefieldsearchfunction returns data as a cell array.

c.DataReturnFormat ='table';

Return information for the search termLAST_PRICE.

f ='LAST_PRICE'; d = fieldsearch(c,f);

Display the first three rows of the field information ind.

ans = 3×5 table CATEGORY ID MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION DATATYPE ______________________ _______ ___________________ ______________________________ ________ 'Market Activity/Last' 'PR005' 'PX_LAST' 'Last Price' 'Double' 'Market Activity/Last' 'RQ005' 'LAST_PRICE' 'Last Trade/Last Price' 'Double' 'Market Activity/Last' 'PR910' 'CRNCY_ADJ_PX_LAST' 'Currency Adjusted Last Price' 'Double'

The columns indare:

  • Category

  • Field identifier

  • Field mnemonic

  • Field name

  • Field data type

Close the Bloomberg connection.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Bloomberg Server connection, specified as abloombergServerobject.

搜索词, specified as a character vector or string scalar that denotes the Bloomberg field descriptive data to retrieve.

Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Field data, returned as an N-by-5 cell array, a structure, or a table.

The columns (or fields) of the data types are:

  • Category

  • Field identifier

  • Field mnemonic

  • Field name

  • Field data type

The data type of the field data depends on theDataReturnFormatproperty of the connection object.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a