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Setting Solver Tolerances

Tolerance refers to how small a parameter, such a mesh size, can become before the search is halted or changed in some way. You can specify the value of the following tolerances usingoptimoptionsor theOptimizeLive Editor task.

  • MeshTolerance— When the current mesh size is less than the value ofMeshTolerance, the algorithm halts.

  • StepTolerance— After a successful poll, if the distance from the previous best point to the current best point is less than the value ofStepTolerance, the algorithm halts.

  • FunctionTolerance— After a successful poll, if the difference between the function value at the previous best point and function value at the current best point is less than the value ofFunctionTolerance, the algorithm halts.

  • ConstraintTolerance(not a stopping condition) — The algorithm treats a point to be feasible if nonlinear constraint violation is less thanConstraintTolerance.

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