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3-D Coordinate and Vector Transformations

Transform coordinates and vector components between global and local systems; find intersection with spheroid

Transform 3-D coordinates between Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF), geodetic, east-north-up (ENU), north-east-down (NED), and azimuth-elevation-range (AER) systems. Transform 3-D vector components between ECEF, ENU, and NED systems.

The type of transformation function you choose depends on your data. If your data represents position relative to the origin of a system, choose a coordinate transformation. If your data represents quantities such as velocity or acceleration, choose a vector transformation function.


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aer2ecef Transform local spherical coordinates to geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed
enu2ecef Transform local east-north-up coordinates to geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed
geodetic2ecef Transform geodetic coordinates to geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed
ned2ecef Transform local north-east-down coordinates to geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed
ecefOffset Cartesian ECEF offset between geodetic coordinates
aer2geodetic Transform local spherical coordinates to geodetic
ecef2geodetic Transform geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic
enu2geodetic Transform local east-north-up coordinates to geodetic
ned2geodetic Transform local north-east-down coordinates to geodetic
lookAtSpheroid Line of sight intersection with oblate spheroid
aer2enu Transform local spherical coordinates to local east-north-up
ecef2enu Transform geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to local east-north-up
geodetic2enu Transform geodetic coordinates to local east-north-up
aer2ned Transform local spherical coordinates to local north-east-down
ecef2ned Transform geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to local north-east-down
geodetic2ned Transform geodetic coordinates to local north-east-down
ecef2aer Transform geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to local spherical
enu2aer Transform local east-north-up coordinates to local spherical
geodetic2aer Transform geodetic coordinates to local spherical
ned2aer 改变当地north-east-down坐标local spherical
ecef2enuv Rotate geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed vector to local east-north-up
ecef2nedv Rotate geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed vector to local north-east-down
enu2ecefv Rotate local east-north-up vector to geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed
ned2ecefv Rotate local north-east-down vector to geocentric Earth-centered Earth-fixed
