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Update object states based on inputs




updateImpl(obj,input1,input2,...)specifies the algorithm to update the System object™ states. You implement this method when your algorithm outputs depend only on the object’s internal state and internal properties.

Run-Time Details

updateImplis called by theupdatemethod and after theoutputImplmethod.

For sink objects, callingupdateImplbeforeoutputImpllocks the object. For all other types of objects, callingupdateImplbeforeoutputImplcauses an error.

Method Authoring Tips

  • Do not use this method to update the outputs from the inputs.

  • You must setAccess = protectedfor this method.

  • If the System object will be used in the Simulink®MATLAB System(Simulink)block, you cannot modify any tunable properties in this method.

Input Arguments

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System object handle used to access properties, states, and methods specific to the object. If yourupdateImplmethod does not use the object, you can replace this input with~.

List the inputs to the System object. The order of inputs must match the order of inputs defined in thestepImplmethod.


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Update the object with previous inputs. UseupdateImplin your class definition file. This example saves theuinput and shifts the previous inputs.

methods (Access = protected)functionupdateImpl(obj,u) obj.PreviousInput = [u obj.PreviousInput(1:end-1)];endend
Introduced in R2013b