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Read occupancy grid message


map= readOccupancyGrid(msg)returns anoccupancyMapobject by reading the data inside a ROS message,msg, which must be a'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid'message. All message data values are converted to probabilities from 0 to 1. The unknown values (-1) in the message are set as 0.5 in the map.


Themsginput is an'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid'ROS message. For more info, seeOccupancyGrid(ROS Toolbox).

Input Arguments

collapse all

'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid'ROS message, specified as anOccupancyGrid(ROS Toolbox)ROS message object handle.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Occupancy map, returned as anoccupancyMapobject handle.

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

See Also
