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Database Toolbox

Exchange data with relational and nonrelational databases

Database Toolbox™ provides functions and an app for working with relational databases. It includes support for nonrelational databases, and provides a native SQLite database. You can access data in relational databases using SQL commands, or use the Database Explorer app to interact with a database without using SQL.

The toolbox can connect to standard ODBC-compliant and JDBC-compliant databases, including Oracle®, SAS®, MySQL®, Sybase®,Microsoft®SQL Server®,Microsoft Access™, and PostgreSQL. You can create, query, and manipulate native SQLite relational databases without additional software or database drivers.

The toolbox supports nonrelational databases Neo4j®and MongoDB®. The Neo4j interface lets you access data stored as graphs or queried using nongraph operations. The NoSQL database interface to MongoDB provides access to unstructured data.

The toolbox lets you access multiple databases simultaneously within a single session and enables segmented import of large data sets using DatabaseDatastore.


Learn the basics of Database Toolbox

Relational Databases

Explore data in databases such asMicrosoft Access,Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle by configuring ODBC and JDBC drivers and using SQL

Graph Database

Explore graph data in the Neo4j database using the MATLAB®interface to Neo4j and perform graph network analysis