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WLAN System Toolbox Functions

Alphabetical List By Category

WLAN Modeling

wlanS1GConfig Create S1G format configuration object
wlanVHTConfig Create VHT format configuration object
wlanHTConfig Create HT format configuration object
wlanNonHTConfig Create non-HT format configuration object
wlanRecoveryConfig Create data recovery configuration object
wlanWaveformGenerator Generate WLAN waveform

Signal Transmission

wlanS1GConfig Create S1G format configuration object
wlanVHTConfig Create VHT format configuration object
wlanHTConfig Create HT format configuration object
wlanNonHTConfig Create non-HT format configuration object
wlanWaveformGenerator Generate WLAN waveform
wlanFieldIndices Generate PPDU field indices
wlanVHTSTF Generate VHT-STF waveform
wlanVHTLTF Generate VHT-LTF waveform
wlanVHTSIGA Generate VHT-SIG-A waveform
wlanVHTSIGB Generate VHT-SIG-B waveform
wlanHTSTF Generate HT-STF waveform
wlanHTLTF Generate HT-LTF waveform
wlanHTSIG Generate HT-SIG waveform
wlanLSTF Generate L-STF waveform
wlanLLTF Generate L-LTF waveform
wlanLSIG Generate L-SIG waveform
wlanVHTData Generate VHT-Data field
wlanHTData Generate HT-Data field waveform
wlanNonHTData Generate non-HT-Data field waveform

Signal Reception

wlanPacketDetect OFDM packet detection using L-STF
wlanFormatDetect Packet format detection
wlanCoarseCFOEstimate Coarse estimate of carrier frequency offset
wlanFineCFOEstimate Fine estimate of carrier frequency offset
wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate Channel estimation using VHT-LTF
wlanHTLTFChannelEstimate Channel estimation using HT-LTF
wlanLLTFChannelEstimate Channel estimation using L-LTF
comm.PhaseFrequencyOffset Apply phase and frequency offsets to input signal
wlanRecoveryConfig Create data recovery configuration object
wlanFieldIndices Generate PPDU field indices
wlanVHTLTFDemodulate Demodulate VHT-LTF waveform
wlanVHTSIGARecover Recover VHT-SIG-A information bits
wlanVHTSIGBRecover Recover VHT-SIG-B information bits
wlanHTLTFDemodulate Demodulate HT-LTF waveform
wlanHTSIGRecover Recover HT-SIG information bits
wlanLLTFDemodulate Demodulate L-LTF waveform
wlanLSIGRecover Recover L-SIG information bits
wlanRecoveryConfig Create data recovery configuration object
wlanFieldIndices Generate PPDU field indices
wlanVHTDataRecover Recover VHT data
wlanHTDataRecover Recover HT data
wlanNonHTDataRecover Recover non-HT data

Propagation Channel

wlanTGacChannel Filter signal through 802.11ac multipath fading channel
wlanTGnChannel Filter signal through 802.11n multipath fading channel
stdchan Construct channel object from set of standardized channel models

End-to-End Simulation

wlanWaveformGenerator Generate WLAN waveform
stdchan Construct channel object from set of standardized channel models
biterr Compute number of bit errors and bit error rate (BER)
wlanTGacChannel Filter signal through 802.11ac multipath fading channel
wlanTGnChannel Filter signal through 802.11n multipath fading channel
comm.ErrorRate Compute bit or symbol error rate of input data

Test and Measurement

wlanWaveformGenerator Generate WLAN waveform
comm.ConstellationDiagram Display a constellation diagram for input signals
dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer Display frequency spectrum of time-domain signals
dsp.TimeScope 时域信号显示
dsp.ArrayPlot Display vectors or arrays
comm.ErrorRate Compute bit or symbol error rate of input data
comm.EVM Measure error vector magnitude