
Text and Characters

When you are working with text, enclose sequences of characters in single quotes. You can assign text to a variable.

myText ='Hello, world';

If the text includes a single quote, use two single quotes within the definition.

otherText ='You''re right'
otherText = 'You're right'

myTextandotherTextare arrays, like all MATLAB® variables. Theirclassor data type ischar, which is short forcharacter.

Name Size Bytes Class Attributes myText 1x12 24 char

You can concatenate character arrays with square brackets, just as you concatenate numeric arrays.

longText = [myText,' - ',otherText]
longText = 'Hello, world - You're right'

To convert numeric values to characters, use functions, such asnum2strorint2str.

f = 71; c = (f-32)/1.8; tempText = ['Temperature is ',num2str(c),'C']
tempText = 'Temperature is 21.6667C'
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