

1-norm condition number estimate


c = condest(A)
c = condest(A,t)
[c,v] = condest(A)


c = condest(A)computes a lower boundcfor the 1-norm condition number of a square matrixA.

c = condest(A,t)changest, a positive integer parameter equal to the number of columns in an underlying iteration matrix. Increasing the number of columns usually gives a better condition estimate but increases the cost. The default ist = 2, which almost always gives an estimate correct to within a factor 2.

[c,v] = condest(A)also computes a vectorvwhich is an approximate null vector ifcis large.vsatisfiesnorm(A*v,1) = norm(A,1)*norm(v,1)/c.

    Note:condestinvokesrand. If repeatable results are required then userngto set the random number generator to its startup settings before usingcondest.



This function is particularly useful for sparse matrices.


condestis based on the 1-norm condition estimator of Hager[1]and a block-oriented generalization of Hager's estimator given by Higham and Tisseur[2]. The heart of the algorithm involves an iterative search to estimate A 1 1 without computingA−1. This is posed as the convex but nondifferentiable optimization problem max A 1 x 1 subject to x 1 = 1


[1] William W. Hager, "Condition Estimates,"SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 5, 1984, 311-316, 1984.

[2]Nicholas J. Higham and Françoise Tisseur, "A Block Algorithm for Matrix 1-Norm Estimation with an Application to 1-Norm Pseudospectra, "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 21, 1185-1201, 2000.

See Also


Introduced before R2006a

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