

Create user interface control object


c = uicontrol
c = uicontrol(Name,Value,...)
c = uicontrol(parent)
c = uicontrol(parent,Name,Value,...)


c = uicontrolcreates a uicontrol (push button) in the current figure and returns the uicontrol object,c. If there is no figure available, then MATLAB®creates a new figure to serve as the parent.

c = uicontrol(Name,Value,...)creates a uicontrol and specifies one or more uicontrol property names and corresponding values. Use this syntax to override the default uicontrol properties. The default uicontrol style is'pushbutton'.

c = uicontrol(parent)creates a uicontrol and designates a specific parent object. Theargument can be a figure, uipanel, uibuttongroup, or uitab object.

c = uicontrol(parent,Name,Value,...)creates a uicontrol with a specific parent and one or more uicontrol properties.

uicontrol(c)gives focus to a specific uicontrol object,c.

Specifying the Uicontrol Style

When selected, most uicontrol objects perform a predefined action. To create a specific type of uicontrol, set theStyleproperty as one of the following values. You can specify part of theStylevalue if it is unique among all the styles. For example, instead of'radiobutton', you can specify'radio'.

  • 'checkbox'– A check box generates an action when you select it. Use check boxes to provide a number of independent choices. To activate a check box, click the mouse button on the object. The check box updates its appearance when its state changes.

  • 'edit'-可编辑的文本字段允许您输入或修改fy text values. Use editable text when you want free text as input. To enable multiple lines of text, setMax-Min>1. Multiline edit boxes provide a vertical scroll bar for scrolling. The arrow keys also provide a way to scroll. Obtain the current text by getting theStringproperty. TheStringproperty does not update as you type in an edit box. To execute the callback routine for an edit text control, type in the desired text and then do one of the following:

    • Click another component, the menu bar, or elsewhere on the window.

    • For a single line editable text box, pressEnter.

    • For a multiline editable text box, pressCtl+Enter.

  • 'frame'

      NoteMathWorks®recommends you useuipaneloruibuttongroupinstead of frames.

      GUIDE continues to support frames in UIs that contain them, but the frame component does not appear in the GUIDE Layout Editor component palette.

  • 'listbox'– List boxes display a list of items, from which you can select one or more items. Unlike pop-up menus, list boxes do not expand when clicked. TheMinandMaxproperties control the selection mode:

    • To enable multiple selection of items, setMax-Min > 1.

    • To enable selection of only one item at a time, setMax-Min <= 1

    TheValueproperty stores the row indexes of currently selected list box items, and is a vector value when you select multiple items. After any mouse button up event that changes theValueproperty, MATLAB evaluates the list box's callback routine. To delay action when multiple items can be selected, you can associate a "Done" push button with the list box. Use the callback for that button to evaluate the list boxValueproperty.

    List boxes with theEnableproperty set toondifferentiate between single and double left clicks. MATLAB sets the figureSelectionTypeproperty tonormaloropenaccordingly before evaluating the list boxCallbackproperty. For enabled list boxes,Ctrl-left click andShift-left click also set the figureSelectionTypeproperty tonormaloropen, respectively indicating a single or double click.

  • 'popupmenu'– Pop-up menus (also known as drop-down menus) display a list of choices when you open them with a button-press. When closed, a pop-up menu indicates the current choice. Pop-up menus are useful when you want to provide a number of mutually exclusive choices, but do not want to take up the amount of space that a group of radio buttons requires.

  • 'pushbutton'– Push buttons generate an action when activated. Left-click a push button to activate it. The button appears to depress until you release the mouse button. The callback activates when you release the mouse button while still pointing within the push button.

  • 'radiobutton'– Radio buttons are similar to check boxes, but are intended to be mutually exclusive within a group of related radio buttons. When used this way, you can only select one radio button at any given time. To activate a radio button, click and release the mouse button over it. The easiest way to implement mutually exclusive behavior for a set of radio buttons is to place them within auibuttongroup.

  • 'slider'– Sliders accept numeric input within a specific range when you move the "thumb" button along a bar. The location of the thumb indicates a numeric value, assigned to theValueproperty when you release the mouse button. You can set the minimum, maximum, and current values, and step sizes of a slider.

    Move the thumb by doing any one of the following:

    • Press the mouse button on the thumb, and drag it along the bar.

    • Click in the bar or on arrow buttons located at both ends of the bar.

    • Click the keyboard arrow keys when the slider is in focus.

  • 'text'– Static text boxes display lines of text. You typically use static text to label other controls, provide information to the user, or indicate values associated with a slider. If you assign theCallbackproperty of a static text object to a function (or a character vector containing a MATLAB command), the static text will not respond when users try to interact with the text. However, you can code theButtonDownFcncallback to respond to mouse clicks on the static text. SeeTipsfor more information.

  • 'togglebutton'– Toggle buttons are similar in appearance to push buttons, but they visually indicate their state, either'on'(depressed) or'off'(up). Clicking a toggle button changes its state, and switches itsValueproperty between the toggle button'sMinandMaxvalues.


Create uicontrols to allow users to adjust the appearance of a plot. For instance, create a program file calledmyui.mthat contains the following code.

functionmyui% Create a figure and axesf = figure('Visible','off'); ax = axes('Units','pixels'); surf(peaks)% Create pop-up menupopup = uicontrol('Style','popup',...'String', {'parula','jet','hsv','hot','cool','gray'},...“阿宝sition', [20 340 100 50],...'Callback', @setmap);% Create push buttonbtn = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Clear',...“阿宝sition', [20 20 50 20],...'Callback','cla');% Create slidersld = uicontrol('Style','slider',...'Min',1,'Max',50,'Value',41,...“阿宝sition', [400 20 120 20],...'Callback', @surfzlim);% Add a text uicontrol to label the slider.txt = uicontrol('Style','text',...“阿宝sition',[400 45 120 20],...'String','Vertical Exaggeration');% Make figure visble after adding all componentsf.Visible ='on';% This code uses dot notation to set properties.% Dot notation runs in R2014b and later.% For R2014a and earlier: set(f,'Visible','on');functionsetmap v(来源、事件)al = source.Value; maps = source.String;% For R2014a and earlier:% val = get(source,'Value');% maps = get(source,'String');newmap = maps{val}; colormap(newmap);endfunctionsurfzlim(source,event) val = 51 - source.Value;% For R2014a and earlier:% val = 51 - get(source,'Value');zlim(ax,[-val val]);endend
The resulting UI displays a plot. Users can adjust the color map, change the vertical scaling, or clear the axes.


  • To make static text respond to mouse clicks, set the text object'sEnableproperty to'Inactive'. Then, define aButtonDownFcncallback that responds when the user clicks on the text. For example, the following code displays'Text was clicked'in the Command Window when the user clicks on the text in the UI.

    mytxt = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Click Me!'); mytxt.Enable = 'Inactive'; mytxt.ButtonDownFcn = 'disp(''Text was clicked'')';

    Note that this code uses dot notation to set properties. Dot notation runs in R2014b and later. If you are using an earlier release, use thesetfunction instead.

Introduced before R2006a

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