
MATLAB Coder Classes

Alphabetical List By Category

MATLAB Programming for Code Generation

Data Definition

Cell Arrays

coder.CellType Represent set of MATLAB cell arrays

MATLAB Classes

coder.ClassType Represent set of MATLAB classes

Code Generation


coder.ArrayType Represent set of MATLAB arrays
coder.CellType Represent set of MATLAB cell arrays
coder.ClassType Represent set of MATLAB classes
coder.Constant Represent set containing one MATLAB value
coder.EnumType Represent set of MATLAB enumerations
coder.FiType Represent set of MATLAB fixed-point arrays
coder.PrimitiveType Represent set of logical, numeric, or char arrays
coder.StructType Represent set of MATLAB structure arrays
coder.Type Represent set of MATLAB values

Build Configuration

coder.HardwareImplementation codegen configuration object that specifies hardware implementation parameters for code generation
coder.MexCodeConfig Configuration object for MEX function generation from MATLAB code
coder.CodeConfig Configuration object for C/C++ code generation from MATLAB code
coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig Configuration object for C/C++ code generation from MATLAB code with Embedded Coder

Custom Toolchain Registration

coder.make.BuildConfiguration Represent build configuration
coder.make.BuildItem Represent build item
coder.make.BuildTool Represent build tool
coder.make.ToolchainInfo Represent custom toolchain

External Code Integration

coder.ExternalDependency Interface to external code
coder.BuildConfig Build context during code generation

Code Verification

coder.HardwareImplementation codegen configuration object that specifies hardware implementation parameters for code generation
coder.MexCodeConfig Configuration object for MEX function generation from MATLAB code
coder.CodeConfig Configuration object for C/C++ code generation from MATLAB code
coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig Configuration object for C/C++ code generation from MATLAB code with Embedded Coder


Execution Speed

coder.ExternalDependency Interface to external code
coder.LAPACKCallback Abstract class for specifying the LAPACK library and LAPACKE header file for LAPACK calls in generated code
coder.fftw.StandaloneFFTW3Interface Abstract class for specifying an FFTW library for FFTW calls in generated code

Memory Usage

coder.Constant Represent set containing one MATLAB value
coder.ExternalDependency Interface to external code

Numeric Conversion

Fixed-Point Conversion

coder.FixptConfig Floating-point to fixed-point conversion configuration object

Single-Precision Conversion

coder.SingleConfig Double-precision to single-precision conversion configuration object
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