

Ancestor of graphics object


p = ancestor(h,type)
p = ancestor(h,type,'toplevel')


p = ancestor(h,type)returns the handle of the closest ancestor ofh, if the ancestor is one of the types of graphics objects specified bytype.typecan be:

  • a character vector with the name of a single type of object, for example,'figure'.

  • a cell array containing the names of multiple objects, for example,{'hgtransform','hggroup','axes'}.

If MATLAB®cannot find an ancestor ofhthat is one of the specified types, thenancestorreturnspas empty. Whenancestorsearches the hierarchy, it includes the object itself in the search. Therefore, if the object with handlehis of one of the types listed intype,ancestorwill return objecth.

ancestorreturnspas empty but does not issue an error ifhis not a graphics object.

p = ancestor(h,type,'toplevel')returns the highest-level ancestor ofh,如果这类型中出现typeargument.


collapse all

CreateLineobjects and parent them to aGroupobject. Then return the top-level ancestor.

g = hggroup; ln = line(randn(5),randn(5),'Parent',g);

tp = ancestor(g,{'figure','axes','hggroup'},'toplevel')
tp = Figure (1) with properties: Number: 1 Name: '' Color: [0.9400 0.9400 0.9400] Position: [360 502 560 420] Units: 'pixels' Show all properties

See Also

Introduced before R2006a

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