

Inverse hyperbolic secant


Y = asech(X)


Y = asech(X)returns the inverse hyperbolic secant for each element ofX.

Theasechfunction operates element-wise on arrays. The function's domains and ranges include complex values. All angles are in radians.


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Graph the inverse hyperbolic secant over the domain.

x = 0.01:0.001:1; plot(x,asech(x)) gridonxlabel('x') ylabel('y')

More About

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Inverse Hyperbolic Secant

For real values x in the domain 0 < x 1 , the inverse hyperbolic secant satisfies

双曲正割 1 ( x ) = cosh 1 ( 1 x ) = log ( 1 x + 1 x 2 1 ) .

For complex numbers z = x + i y as well as real values in the regions < z 0 and 1 z < , the callasech(z)returns complex results.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Introduced before R2006a

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