

Validate that value is member of specified set





mustBeMember(A,B)issues an error ifA不是我mber of the set of values specified byB. The set of values specified byAmust be a case-sensitive, exact match.mustBeMemberdoes not return a value.

When usingmustBeMemberas a property validation function, ensure that the property default value is a member of the set.

This function accepts user-defined objects if the class of the object implements the following method:


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UsemustBeMemberto validate that the first input is a member of the set of values specified by the second input.

Validate that the character vector'red'is a member of set of character vectors,'yellow','green', and'blue'.

A ='red'; B = {'yellow','green','blue'}; mustBeMember(A,B)
Error using mustBeMember (line 14) Value must be a member of this set 'yellow' 'green' 'blue'

The validation failed because'red'不是我mber of the set. MATLAB®returns an error message listing the allowed values.

Constrain property values to a specific set of values.

This class constrains the value ofProp1to be either'yellow','green', or'blue'.

classdefMyClasspropertiesProp1 {mustBeMember(Prop1,{'yellow','green','blue'})} ='yellow'endend

The default property value must comply with the restrictions imposed by the validator. Therefore, you must explicitly assign a default value that is a member of the set.

Create an object and assign a value to its property.

obj = MyClass obj.Prop1 ='red';
Error setting 'Prop1' property of 'MyClass' class: Value must be a member of this set 'yellow' 'green' 'blue'

The validation failed because'red'不是我mber of the set. MATLAB returns an error message listing the allowed values.

Input Arguments

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Value to validate, specified as a scalar or an array of one of the following:

When usingmustBeMemberas a property validator, this argument must be the property name, specified without quotation marks.

Example:PropName {mustBeMember(PropName,{'High','Medium','Low'})} = 'Low'

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|logical|char|string
Complex Number Support:Yes

设置的值Amust belong, specified as any of the following:

Example:Property with cell array ofcharvectors:PropName {mustBeMember(PropName,{'yellow','green','blue'})} = 'blue'

Example:Property with string array:PropName {mustBeMember(PropName,["yellow","green","blue"])} = "blue"

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|logical|char|string
Complex Number Support:Yes

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Introduced in R2017a

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