
Graph Database

Explore, manage, store, and analyze graph data in Neo4j®使用MATLAB的数据库®interface to Neo4j orNEO4J螺栓协议的数据库工具箱™接口

Database Toolbox enables you to connect to a Neo4j graph database using the MATLAB interface to Neo4j. After creating a Neo4j connection, you can search the graph database data. Create, update, and delete nodes and relationships in the database. Update node labels and properties and update relationship properties. Perform analysis with graph network algorithms using the MATLAB directed graph. Store the directed graph in the Neo4j database. Traverse and analyze graph data by executing Cypher®使用Cypher查询语言查询。

您也可以使用Bolt协议连接到Neo4J数据库。您可以使用相同的功能与存储在Neo4J数据库中的图形数据进行交互。要使用螺栓协议连接,您必须安装Database Toolbox Interface for Neo4j Bolt Protocol.


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neo4j Connect to Neo4j database
close Close Neo4j database connection
nodeDegree In-degree and out-degree for each associated relationship type for Neo4j database node
节目 全部node labels in Neo4j database
noderelationTypes 关联关系类型Neo4j数据库node
neo4jStruct2Digraph Convert graph or relationship structure from Neo4j database to directed graph
propertyKeys 全部property keys in Neo4j database
关系类型 全部relationship types in Neo4j database
searchGraph Search for subgraph or entire graph in Neo4j database
searchNode Search Neo4j database nodes by label or by property key and value
searchNodeByid Search Neo4j database nodes by node identifier
searchRelation Search relationships for Neo4j database node
searchRelationByID 通过关系标识符搜索NEO4J关系
createNode 在Neo4J数据库中创建节点
createRelation Create relationships between nodes in Neo4j database
deleteNode 从neo4j数据库中删除节点
deleteRelation Delete relationships from Neo4j database
addNodeLabel 将标签添加到Neo4J数据库中的节点
removeNodeLabel Remove labels from nodes in Neo4j database
removeNodeProperty 从Neo4J数据库中的节点中删除属性
removeRelationProperty Remove properties from relationships in Neo4j database
setNodeProperty Set properties for nodes in Neo4j database
setRelationProperty Set properties for relationships in Neo4j database
updateNode Update node labels and properties in Neo4j database
updateRelation Update relationship properties in Neo4j database
storeDigraph Store directed graph in Neo4j database
executeCypher 执行Cypher query on Neo4j database


neo4jconnect Neo4j database connection
Neo4jNode NEO4J数据库节点
Neo4jRelation Neo4j database relationship


AboutNeo4jDatabase Interfaces

Graph Database Workflow for Neo4j Database Interfaces



Install theDatabase Toolbox Interface for Neo4j Bolt Protocoland learn about the supported Neo4j database versions.

Explore and Update Graph

Search Graph Database


Explore Graph Database Structure

Traverse the graph database structure.

Update Friend Information in Social Neighborhood

Create, update, and delete nodes and relationships in a Neo4j database.



Perform graph network analysis to find dependencies.

Find Shortest Path Between People in Social Neighborhood

Perform graph network analysis to determine the shortest path.

Find Friends of Friends in Social Neighborhood


Add and Query Group of Colleagues in Social Neighborhood

Store a directed graph in a Neo4j database and then execute a Cypher query on the resulting graph.



地址NEO4J数据库的错误消息,Neo4J的MATLAB接口和Database Toolbox Interface for Neo4j Bolt Protocol.