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Services and Actions

Send requests, perform tasks, and get feedback for services and actions

ROS services and actions enable users to perform tasks. Services use request-response communication to gather information and trigger callback functions in the ROS network. Actions can be used to trigger tasks or goals and receive feedback during operation of these tasks.


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rosaction Retrieve information about ROS actions
rosactionclient Create ROS action client
cancelAllGoals Cancel all goals on action server
cancelGoal Cancel last goal sent by client
sendGoal Send goal message to action server
sendGoalAndWait Send goal message and wait for result
waitForServer Wait for action server to start
call Call the ROS service server and receive a response
rosservice Retrieve information about services in ROS network
rossvcclient Connect to ROS service server
rossvcserver Create ROS service server


Call Service Call service in ROS network


Call and Provide ROS Services

ROS supports two main communication mechanisms: topics and services.

ROS Actions Overview

ROS action workflow and communication protocols

Move a Turtlebot Robot Using ROS Actions

This example shows how to use the/turtlebot_moveaction with a Turtlebot robot.