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Solve a Linear System of Algebraic Equations

Use the Algebraic Constraint block to solve the system

$$\begin{array}{c} z_1 + z_2 = 1\\ z_2 - z_1 = 1\end{array}$$

The model represents the problem in a vectorized form as

1 & 1\\
-1& 1

The signal fed to the Algebraic Constraint block$f(z)$is a$2\times1$vector of the form

$$\left[\begin{array}{c}z_1+z_2-1\\-z-1 +
z_2-1\end{array}\right] $$

The block is configured to constrain$f(z)$to 0. Thus solving for$f(z) = 0$yields the solution$z_1 = 0,\, z_2 = 1$