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Data Specification Basics

Select properties of data objects

Control the behavior of a Stateflow®chart and communicate with other charts, Simulink®blocks, and the MATLAB®workspace by using data. Through the Symbols pane, add new data and eliminate undefined or unused data. In the Property Inspector, control data properties such as scope, type, and size.


Add Stateflow Data

Define the data that a chart stores internally in its own workspace.

Set Data Properties

Specify data properties by using the Property Inspector or the Model Explorer.

Manage Symbols in the Stateflow Editor

Add, delete, and trace nongraphical objects.

Share Data with Simulink and the MATLAB Workspace

Define data to share with Simulink models and the MATLAB base workspace.

Share Parameters with Simulink and the MATLAB Workspace

Define parameters to share constant data with Simulink models and the MATLAB base workspace.

Access Data Store Memory from a Chart

Create Stateflow data objects that represent Simulink global data.

Handle Integer Overflow for Chart Data

Choose saturation or wrapping behavior for arithmetic overflows.

Identify Data by Using Dot Notation

Specify data by its location in the chart hierarchy.

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