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Connection to web camera


This object represents a connection from the MATLAB®software to a web camera attached to the Raspberry Pi hardware. To create this object, use thewebcamfunction. To configure the web camera settings, use the object properties listed inProperties. To interact with the web camera, use this object with the functions listed inObject Functions.




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This property is read-only.

Image dimensions, specified as a string.


Data Types:char

This property is read-only.

Image dimensions, specified as a cell array of strings.

When you create thewebcamobject, you can specify this value.

Example:{'320x240' '640x480'}

Data Types:char

Object Functions

snapshot Capture RGB image from Camera


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You can connect from the MATLAB software to the web camera and take a photograph.

Connect the Raspberry Pi™ to your host computer.


If you have not previously configured your Raspberry Pi, seeInstall Support for Raspberry Pi Hardware.

Create a connection from the MATLAB software to the Raspberry Pi hardware.

mypi = raspi

Create a connection,wcam, from the MATLAB software to the web camera, and set the image resolution. The connection displays the web camera properties.

wcam = webcam(mypi)
wcam = webcam with properties: Name: '/dev/video0' Resolution: '320x240' AvailableResolutions: {'320x240' '640x480'}

Import and display a sequence of 10 snapshots on your host computer.

forii = 1:10 img = snapshot(wcam) imagesc(img) drawnowend

Version History

Introduced in R2016a